From another thread before the bans started happening:
Even the most noble and trustworthy of people get curious, careless, or too trusting. Assuming that the devs have some system in place to flag accounts that are cheating, even one slip up can be enough to get your account flagged.
The devs probably don't have time to check each case individually. But if they see an account that is flagged and has accumulated an enormous amount of wealth (even if the wealth was obtained legitimately), chances are they are going to strike with the ban hammer.
Is this necessarily fair? No, but with increased power and wealth comes the increased responsibility to always do the right thing. All players are responsible for understanding and following the rules of conduct at all times.
And yes, it is possible that some people are innocent. However, the devs have stated on numerous occasions that they can not (and will not) restore any lost items. If the prospect of losing all your items for any reason is too much to bear, perhaps Ultima Online is not the game for you.
The devs are well aware of the consequences of what would happen if they banned someone who was innocent.Well, I should clarify - banning cheaters = good, ban first ask questions later = bad. Banning legitimate players unfairly tends to drive them and their friends away in droves, and that's no good either. So... yeah, it does take a while.
Even the most noble and trustworthy of people get curious, careless, or too trusting. Assuming that the devs have some system in place to flag accounts that are cheating, even one slip up can be enough to get your account flagged.
The devs probably don't have time to check each case individually. But if they see an account that is flagged and has accumulated an enormous amount of wealth (even if the wealth was obtained legitimately), chances are they are going to strike with the ban hammer.
Is this necessarily fair? No, but with increased power and wealth comes the increased responsibility to always do the right thing. All players are responsible for understanding and following the rules of conduct at all times.
And yes, it is possible that some people are innocent. However, the devs have stated on numerous occasions that they can not (and will not) restore any lost items. If the prospect of losing all your items for any reason is too much to bear, perhaps Ultima Online is not the game for you.