Xel Naga
As the title may suggest, UO has several skills that serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever in game other than to give you a GM title of "random name". It's been 11 years now with nonstop nerfing / buffing / revamping and yet the simplest of things like making the skills in the game offered to you have a purpose has been ignored for the 11 years.
Here's a list of what I'm talking about and what I'd like to see become skills that have a point to having other than displaying on a soulstone.
Herding: This has never really had point other than bringing 100 random sheep to brit to be slaughtered. Even then, it was nerfed and is pointless now.
Remove Trap: Somewhat useful to the treasure hunter, but what treasure hunter doesn't simply just telekinesis on a chest to open it. Again, a rather pointless skill other than allowing someone to stay stealthed while opening a box that has nothing in it.
Suggestion: Allow treasure hunters who have the ability of removing trap gmed to bypass any spawn of appearing. IE. A GM Remove trap would have 100% chance at avoiding spawns of any sort after digging a chest, with a ratio of 1% per 1.0 skill in removing traps.
Snooping: Again, a rather useless skill now that since AOS everything is insured and casters use LRC suits thus making thieves an unviable template to play other than randomly running around dungeons stealing useless items.
Suggestion: I would like to see this skill have a purpose in PVM and maybe work in accordance with Snooping or in the same mechanics of allowing a player to acquire loot specifically viewable only if you have the skill gm'ed. Such as detecting hidden loot that a normal player would not see.
Tracking: Another semi pointless skill. They attempted making it useful with ninjitsu but it just never took off.
Suggestion: Perhaps giving tracking a synergy with the stealing profession, allowing players to use tracking at item spawn locations such as doom artifacts. IE Player uses tracking of a skull candle at the location it spawns and is given an approximate time before the item respawns again. Higher the tracking the more accurate the time. This way the items aren't solely acquired by botters with timed scripts and at the same time giving a skill somewhat of a use.
Forensic Evaluation: Completely useless for the past 11 years.
Item Identification: Useless other than giving an awesome title of Grandmaster Merchant for those of us into resale and merchanting.
Suggestion: Maybe give players with this skill an extra chance to boost intensities on loot from corpses and crafted items as they are more keen to identifying traits and hidden uses of items.
Taste Identification: useless other than telling you if food is poisoned, which in this day and age is never and even if it was dp, is curable easily now or simply healed through with SS or confidence.
Here's a list of what I'm talking about and what I'd like to see become skills that have a point to having other than displaying on a soulstone.
Herding: This has never really had point other than bringing 100 random sheep to brit to be slaughtered. Even then, it was nerfed and is pointless now.
Suggestion: allow us to herd monsters away from us somewhat like a paladin's dispel evil spell but a longer duration somewhat of a mix between ethereal voyage and dispel evil / Honor virtue
Remove Trap: Somewhat useful to the treasure hunter, but what treasure hunter doesn't simply just telekinesis on a chest to open it. Again, a rather pointless skill other than allowing someone to stay stealthed while opening a box that has nothing in it.
Suggestion: Allow treasure hunters who have the ability of removing trap gmed to bypass any spawn of appearing. IE. A GM Remove trap would have 100% chance at avoiding spawns of any sort after digging a chest, with a ratio of 1% per 1.0 skill in removing traps.
Snooping: Again, a rather useless skill now that since AOS everything is insured and casters use LRC suits thus making thieves an unviable template to play other than randomly running around dungeons stealing useless items.
Suggestion: Perhaps a mechanism to allow players to "snoop" monster loot packs with a chance to see special items that are only attainable via Snooping which require stealing to take from their bodies. IE: MOB has a 10% chance to have a random rare item / artifact on it when it spawns and would only be viewable with snooping skill and only attainable when stolen with 120 stealing and not when the monster is slain.
Detect Hidden: This skill again is rather pointless other than having a stealthed char running around spawns detecting other stealthers.
Suggestion: I would like to see this skill have a purpose in PVM and maybe work in accordance with Snooping or in the same mechanics of allowing a player to acquire loot specifically viewable only if you have the skill gm'ed. Such as detecting hidden loot that a normal player would not see.
Suggestion: Perhaps giving tracking a synergy with the stealing profession, allowing players to use tracking at item spawn locations such as doom artifacts. IE Player uses tracking of a skull candle at the location it spawns and is given an approximate time before the item respawns again. Higher the tracking the more accurate the time. This way the items aren't solely acquired by botters with timed scripts and at the same time giving a skill somewhat of a use.
Forensic Evaluation: Completely useless for the past 11 years.
Suggestion: Use of this skill on a corpse would bring up a window that displayed the top 10 Damagers against the dead target and how much total damage they inflicted upon it and how much points they received for killing it. (towards doom arties/marties)
Item Identification: Useless other than giving an awesome title of Grandmaster Merchant for those of us into resale and merchanting.
Suggestion: Maybe give players with this skill an extra chance to boost intensities on loot from corpses and crafted items as they are more keen to identifying traits and hidden uses of items.
Suggestion: Allow chefs with Taste ID to create special stat increasing foods and also gain extra special benefits from personally eating foods that give stat increasing effects. IE. Baking a loaf of bread infused with herbs that increase hit chance by 10% for 5 minutes for anyone, however if the chef ate one while at taste ID gmed they may get increased hit chance by 20% or something. Similar to an alchemist's potion enhnacement abilities.
Well those are my thoughts on the skills currently in the game for the past 11 years that serve little to no purpose at all. I'd love to see EA or Jeremy comment on this and any ideas they may have in utilizing skills in the game that people may have or not have but might consider getting if improved.