People seem to be reading part of the new letter from Cal as meaning KR will be ignored by you guys. Mind clearing things up before people get out of control either way?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm curious about the FOF. Does Cal pre-empt the FOF? Was that a pre-emptive FOF? Don't make sense. Everyone at a EA has different roles.
First, just spell out what the FOF is, and then produce it every week. WEek after week. Sounds icky, doesn't it. Like a never ending weekly report. For the next 15 years!!! A weekly report. EWWWW! Hahahaha. Sucks to be you, but it keeps us in beer and billiards, don't it? I do that every week and it blows. It is like a job and I hate it.
Give us specific guidelines as to what will be contained in there and we will try to post appropriate questions. Think of it as a quarterly shareholder report, but weekly, because it is called the Five on Friday. As in every Friday.
Anyway, if it sucks so bad, call it the FETF. The Five Every Two Fridays and you will buy yourself an extra 7 days (is that right, or is 10?).
Weekly reports blow. I just hope to make it into the middle some day and then everything will be gravy.
Anyway, Official EA (or is it Stratics?) guidelines for the FOF (or FETF) will help us understand why we are gypped when our questions don't get answered. You could say something like... "The FOF only handles specific gameplay, or in-game questions. The FOF does not handle questions about expansions, account issues, or clients."
Once you post that... post it so it's visible on your FOF Questions page, so everyone knows what they are in for.
EDIT: You guys don't have a FOF questions page yet, do you? That will blow even more for the FOF person. But it needs to be created with specific guidelines. We here in UO love rules and laws and TOFs and BOFs so you better make that FOFs page and then make FOFsR page. The R is for rules.
2ndEDIT: Reworked a comma.