So, turns out that Pogo sees this problem all the time, too, and this is what they had to say:
"With regards to the problems you are having playing on Pogo in the evening, we have investigated the issue and believe the problem to be due to your Internet Service Provider's Fair Usage Policy. This operates between the hours of 6pm and 11pm -more information can be found
here. We have had reports from several Tiscali customers and do believe that the cause of the difficulties playing on Pogo are down to this issue, and are not caused by any problems with the Pogo site itself. While normal web surfing may be unaffected, it is likely that other gaming sites or services that require a 'constant' connection will be affected also. Here at Pogo we are working with Tiscali to hopefully have them resolve this issue, however I suggest you contact Tiscali customer support directly to raise the problem with them. "
That being said, I'm going to continue to follow up with the UO network guys and see if we can't get anything sorted out.
[/ QUOTE ]
I work for a big ISP in my country and actually tested this last night (stayed late at work, just to see!):
I lagged. And this was directly from one of our main lines, with a huge capacity available. I'm not a techy, but one of our ops told me it would never be due to lack of capacity or a fair use policy (my ISP doesn't use fair use on the line we use to provide service to a few hundred thousand customers obviously). And this line is BEFORE we supply internet to our customers, so it can't be due to them taking up capacity.
So I can quite positively say it's not due FUP or lack of internet speed. It's one of the faster connections in the Benelux. And just to be sure, at my normal office with a 100mbit connection I also experience lag, when I can just download at speeds of over 8 mb per second.