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I've seen this expalined before



but damned if I can find it now. I've heard that we can now use spaces in pet's names. How is that done please?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the original tag might say.." a Blue Beetle"

you have to insert the words you want into this name while maintaining the spaces.

stage one might backspacing out "a" and inserting "my" for My blue beetle.

Then move the cursor over to the word beetle, backspace it out and insert "bug"

If you always maintain the original spaces you end up with a new spaced name...in this case..."My Blue Bug"

I hope this makes sense!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but damned if I can find it now. I've heard that we can now use spaces in pet's names. How is that done please?
It use to be done with the KR client.

The standard Enhanced Client does not allow for this to be done.

Although there is a Skin that does allow it to be done on the Enhanced Client and is not that hard to set up.

This puts a space at the begining and ending so you can add words/letters at the begining and the ending of the name as well as anywhere inbetween.

There will be a little blue (based on memory so ....) button on the pets main status bar. Pushing that button opens a normal text box with full editing capabilities.

You can get the skin from here.


Select the Dar_Zared skin version 1.2 (press the + symbol to expand)

From the Read Me file, for the purpose of explaining how to install it.

"dar-zared" - by Dar & Zared
Custom UI for use with Ultima Online Stygian Abyss

Release (1.2)
1. Moved alot of things to "Mods"
2. Added a Pet Rename window
3. Fixed issues with the "PartyWindow"

Release (1.1)
1. Changed Resize Atlas to hide Facet & Area Dropdowns
2. Countdowns on the Buff/Defuff
3. Added artwork for Bandage Buff
4. Made Timers on Buff/Debuff larger
5. Main Menu has Debug Window Option
6. Larger Text in Overhead chat (if u dont like just delete overheadtext.htm file in source dir.)

Party.dds file has a problem showing up on the Paperdoll. Not sure why yet.

Inital Release (1.0)

It includes the following
1. Re-sizable Atlas
2.Pet Window has heal & cure buttons for pets
3.Party Window shows members in party like the Pet Window
4. Party List (linked to the paperdoll upper left corner check box) give just a list of people in party
5.Bandage Countdown in Buff/De-buff window

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.
[email protected]


Illandril Mods:

Free to modify & redistribute with credits.



- Unzip the contents into your UserInterface directory
e.g. C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\UserInterface\

- Start up the SA Client click on the Custom-UI button at the top of the login screen and select "dar-zared" or "dar-zared-c" depending on the one u downloaded.

- U can also select the custom ui from the User Setting window options tab.




Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my method works with the standard 2d client and always has, atleast for the 6+ games I have played!


It use to be done with the KR client.

The standard Enhanced Client does not allow for this to be done.

Although there is a Skin that does allow it to be done on the Enhanced Client and is not that hard to set up.

This puts a space at the begining and ending so you can add words/letters at the begining and the ending of the name as well as anywhere inbetween.

There will be a little blue (based on memory so ....) button on the pets main status bar. Pushing that button opens a normal text box with full editing capabilities.

You can get the skin from here.


Select the Dar_Zared skin version 1.2 (press the + symbol to expand)

From the Read Me file, for the purpose of explaining how to install it.
Thanks, Enigma, just what I wanted. (I had deleted the original name so had lost all the spaces.)


Yeah, thanks again, Enigma. Just a thought, but shouldn't this be stickied? In light of your post and instructions? I mean, a lot of ppl were pleased to find that they could add spaces using KR. Or perhaps add your contribution (with installation instructions) to the FAQ?