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I've gotten over 300 'of ice' items now and....


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I'm not sure I believe there is an equal chance to get every item. There just seems to be ones that don't drop as often.

Of course I speak of the plate helm and skull helm, which I've gotten zero of so far. On the other hand, I've gotten 15 yumi bows now.

I ran into this exact problem with the deceit event. In over 1100 drops, I got one plate helm and one skull helm.

Anyone else having better luck than me?



Babbling Loonie
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It took my hubby and I over 500+ Ice drops before we got a bone helm. I think we got 12 pair of leather sleeves.

Lord Telchar

i got bone helm on the first day of the event, and completed a bone armor set after getting around ~200-250 drops. Now trying to get a bone harvester to accompany with it.
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I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
I got my first Bone helm as a drop early in this event. I got 800ish drops in Deceit with no bone helm. I did not get one in the last Halloween dungeons. A player on LS got one in Deceit in the first 2 hours and traded it to me.

Luckily players on LS are nice and will trade with me when they get one. Thanks!


Viking sword for me, 1900+ Deceit drops and only 1 drop. :coco: :shots:
Also the various types of female armours (especially the bustiers and skirts).
Bone helms and Plate helms start dropping more consistently after 1100+ for Deceit, for me anyway...


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Other than the Bone helm, I do not get many Wizard hats, Leather skirts, or Bear masks. I don't have a Ninja hood from Ice yet. RNG is fickle.


Stratics Veteran
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Viking sword for me, 1900+ Deceit drops and only 1 drop. :coco: :shots:
Also the various types of female armours (especially the bustiers and skirts).
Bone helms and Plate helms start dropping more consistently after 1100+ for Deceit, for me anyway...
Argh, In addition to the ice plate helm and bone helm, I'm actually still looking for the damn viking sword as well. No luck as of yet.

Maximus Neximus

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It's like they know we collect bone and plate more so than the rest and weighted it against them. Just my tin foil theory of the day.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I seem to get a lot of Tok drops like ninja pieces etc. That said, I did complete my plate set early on for ice after getting the plate helm/gorget/tunic all within like 10 drops (under an hour). I was very shocked.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
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Well done on getting over 300 items, and good luck on your plate armour quest, it always looks fun doing that, I've never tried it, keep burning the items before I think about it. I've struggled to be motivated so much on Ice event, as the rewards were not so much what I wanted.

The RNG is weird in this game isn't it.

When I use my Gargoyles, I only get Gargoyle items.

I sometimes wonder if the drops are tailored towards your character, in even more depth than Gargoyle/Human. As in what are you wearing/your skills, and you get more of that style.

Or it seems the Devs know what the players are after, and have restricted those 2 drops to preserve the rarity and point of collecting the sets - clever I guess.


Stratics Veteran
Well done on getting over 300 items, and good luck on your plate armour quest, it always looks fun doing that, I've never tried it, keep burning the items before I think about it. I've struggled to be motivated so much on Ice event, as the rewards were not so much what I wanted.

The RNG is weird in this game isn't it.

When I use my Gargoyles, I only get Gargoyle items.

I sometimes wonder if the drops are tailored towards your character, in even more depth than Gargoyle/Human. As in what are you wearing/your skills, and you get more of that style.

Or it seems the Devs know what the players are after, and have restricted those 2 drops to preserve the rarity and point of collecting the sets - clever I guess.
I had the same feeling.
Ive had around 2-300 drops, and although I did complete a full platemail set, I did see that I got alot more elf armour (Running with my archer who is an elf). So maybe the character you play, the items you were, the skills you have etc, have an impact on the drops you get.

Otherwise the devs just know what we want..... and make it more hard to get it


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Gargoyles get gargoyle items. Humans and elves get the rest.
I think the only gargoyle on LS gave up when they saw the rewards. I'll have to drag out mine to get a set of garg armor.