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I've been busy, for a retro-newbie.



Back when I played, I never really got into designing houses. I always had someone who was really talented do it for me, but she doesn't play anymore. :( So, I figured I would get to know this game again after 5 years by finding a plot, building a house, and then decorating it... Otherwise, I might find myself overwhelmed by new content and changes.

I've been back 3 weeks, though it doesn't seem that long. In that time I've worked 5 different characters, three of which were old toons of mine from before that I name changed to reflect a fresh start. So, I had a treasure hunter, a fisherman, and a mule. Those three characters helped collect or make the majority of my decorations, but I have to admit that I spent a lot more gold than I ever have in this game before. Thankfully, I found 3 IDOCs to supplement my income and give me a few rares and goodies. I don't know if finding those IDOCs was a good thing or not. I hit all three of them alone... No competition. Seems kinda sad.

At any rate... I found this 18x18 plot just north of Minoc Stables on the water of Lost Hope Bay. I have a neighbor who I've never seen with an unfortunate looking house (which I would pay him to remove, lol), and some light lizardman or ogre spawn. The BEST spawn is the gypsy camps that spring up around me, as they are sorta connected to what I've done here.

The idea for this house was that of an old watch tower that has fallen into disuse and abandoned. As you can see, I like to RP a little, even if I do so by myself. I like things to -mean- something, I guess. Anyway, Dak Tovarr found this crumbling relic from the bygone era of Lord British and decided to make it his own, building a little shack on top of the tower so he could easily see any ships coming into the bay... Especially ships meant for him. He's not a pirate, he's a smuggler... And, well, the pictures... Click 'em to embiggin!

It's a little overgrown...

Here on the second level, Dak's buddy Kuurk shows off his kitchen. Kuurk is ah... He's a caretaker, in a way, but he also cooks a mean pizza. He's a savage of few words and many rude gestures.

The rest of it is Dak's "office," while whatever junk that was laying around when he found the place was shoved into a corner.

And, now, my favorite room... Actually, it's a cellar. I like to think it was the watchtowers supply cellar and dungeon. However, Dak uses it for a very different reason. He surmised that he could link to one of the many mining caves in the area and make an unseen pathway underneath a lotta ground and beyond Crescent Mountain. So what you have here is a lotta swag coming in and going out, and stacked all over.

Now that my house is 99% finished (it'll never be finished), I can focus on some newer aspects of the game and get to actually "playing." This did help me get back into the swing of things... But, I'm still lost on all the things that can be done now. In my day it was getting killed at champ spawns by raiding reds and getting killed in Doom for that 1% chance at an arty.

So, yeah, I guess I'm still lost at what to do now. But, hey! At least I have a place to live.

Cantabrigian British

I rather like it. I think you did a fantastic job. The added touch of the "shack" on the roof is very neat.

...maybe I should finally start doing something with my home, instead of just locking everything on the ground. :eek:

Well done, well done.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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One of these days I'm going to get off my lazy butt and finish decorating my house so it can look as nice as that.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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I don't know if finding those IDOCs was a good thing or not. I hit all three of them alone... No competition. Seems kinda sad.
Welcome back...

You just brought the wrath of The Giggles on you....



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did the what now?
Brought down the wrath of Giggles. She is otherwise known as the queen of ALL IDOCs on Catskills. The girl hardly ever misses a building that is about to fall on the shard. (Plus but don't tell Flutter but I think Giggles is the sexier of the two of them.. shhhhh)


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Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Well, uh, you missed three ;)

Just kidding, I Most likely did. The past month I have been gone fishing lol.

But don't get too comfy all alone at those idocs, I'm on the move back in to scouting for them :). I'm surprised you didn't run into Aaron or Foxie there, they usually don't miss many either.

But anyways welcome back, and if I happen to kill you at a fel idoc its nothing personal! :)


I haven't done any since those three, I've been too busy training and trying to figure out this darn game and it's changes in the last five years. I don't even know if my templates are completely viable anymore, but that's a different thread.

I haven't even been to Fel yet, and I used to LIVE there...

Maybe I'll start that new thread...