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Its Saturday night....

  • Thread starter five oclock
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

five oclock

Wheres the harries??? Anyone anyone???

At least a champ somewhere?

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kry tried to do despise but Beemu and I put a end to it, after that we ran it a couple times just to say we did. There was also some good messing about out at Occlo island as today's book is spawning there.

Napa is dead and deader yet after HWM ran away.

Salya Sin

We should see about a monthly spawn night... try to get a good enough group together to take on the spawn and handle the invading reds... would give some of the smaller guilds and those with no guild a chance to do the bigger stuff.

I think that would ROCK!

five oclock

I totally agree with you...It would also be total chaos..BUT that would make it even more fun :D

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can tell you that LOAO/Farm would be more than happy to sponser such a event. I don't know what that is worth or if people would bother to come but we would be happy to help.

At the same time I know that FARM/LOAO would be more that happy to show smaller groups the ins and outs of champing, simple "protection" is all we would need in return:)

Salya Sin

That would rock Picus... although.. I remember getting rolled by FARM at several spawn attempts. This was quite awhile ago... you wouldn't be calling everyone there and then eating us... right? LOL!

If we can set it up... let me know... I'll post it as an invitation from whatever group/guild puts it on. :)

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can say that LOAO/FARM would be happy to sponsor such a event. That said there would have to be certain ground work laid out first like names of players and guilds so we are sure that the odd murder is not needed:) It would be handy if a central Ventrillo server could be used and other such things but that could all be figured out later. Send me a PM with your ICQ and I would be happy to get this started.