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It's a miracle!



Everyone knows how much I've been whining about not being able to go back home this winter, so no snow to play in.... So I get in the car to drive my daughter to CCD and it started snowing! Granted, it is melting before it hits the ground but I'll take it. So, bring on the complaints tonight - noone can get to me today! :p

Looks great falling on all of my flowers that are in bloom!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let it snow, let it snow...
I'm glad I'm too far west. The Poconos and points east of I-81 are expecting 12"+. My car is finally half semi clean, so they can keep it!


You must be in western PA then, cuz my mom is getting snowed on. (She lives in the Allentown area.)

Crazy Fireball

I hate you all.
I hate the snow.

Why wont it stop? We are getting another 10 to 15 Inches of snow today. NO SCHOOL D:<

Ugh. we have gotten like 100 inches this season. GO AWAY SNOW!


Hey no snow where I live (OKLAHOMA!!!) but it's cold, and tornado season is just around the corner!


Back to sunny skies today... grr.. Oh well, I enjoyed watching it fall while it lasted. A few flakes even made it to the ground, not enough to cover anything though.

And funny thing, we moved here from Oklahoma a few years ago. Last week a tornado came close to the house... closer than anything when we lived in either Oklahoma or New Mexico!


And funny thing, we moved here from Oklahoma a few years ago. Last week a tornado came close to the house... closer than anything when we lived in either Oklahoma or New Mexico!
I actually got nervous a few weeks ago with the February tornado that hit Lone Grove - the storm tracked on to about 10 miles south of where we live. We were under a warning for about half an hour, but no funnels, thank goodness! It sucked (literally) for those who live in Lone Grove though, tore apart a trailer park and a big chunk of the town. AND WHY do tornadoes always go after the trailer parks???