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Ithaca Town Meeting to Discuss Proposed Charter



Since no one has shown interest in the boards in helping write the charter, I have taken it upon my self: http://www.lind-i.com/Docs/Ithaca_Charter.docx

The highlights are:
  • An owners' council for the people who own houses associated with Ithaca. These groups are responsible for admitting (or expelling) buildings to Ithaca.
  • An elected vendor's council representing those who hold vendor contracts with Ithaca.
  • A congress comprised of the two councils responsible for defining zoning codes (what type of house a given house should be, etc) and defining, negotiating and enforcing vendor contracts (what types of items can be on a vendor, auctioning the contract off, etc).
  • An independent arbitration council responsible for mediating and deciding on the inevitable disputes.

I feel that the system I have developed addresses many of the questions and concerns that were shared at the first meeting.

I would like to host another meeting to discuss such the charter and gage the interest level of potential vendors on Friday, March 25th at 8:00 PM CST at the Ithaca Savings and Loan right outside the south west side of Vesper in Trammel.

Please comment here with any feedback so that I can address the issue here or at least prepare feedback for Friday. Thanks for everyone’s interest, hopefully this is something we can all rally around.

Jason Lind / Lord of Lords


The meeting had to be postponed due to a previously scheduled EM event I was not aware of and is here by rescheduled for Sunday at 5:00 PM CST.


Only a few people showed up to the meeting on Sunday, I'm hoping that's more of a reflection of the scheduling snafu with the EM event on Friday than anything else.

Of the people who did show up one new face was interested in becoming an owner in Ithaca the other was interested in vending.

In an effort to reach as many of you as possible in game we will be hosting a forum every day this week at 9:00PM CST.

Thank you again for your interest and support.