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[Discussion] Items that can't be locked down


Lore Keeper
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I have some items that can't be locked down, such as a head with a name and some wedding rings that aren't blessed. In both cases the items can be locked down if they are blessed.
Seeing as item bless deeds aren't that expensive I was wondering if anyone has tried using one on an item that can't be locked down and whether this changes it. Don't want to waste a perfectly good deed either!

It may drastically increase the value of those items and they'll look a lot better when they are locked down, rather than in a container :).


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Haven't tried it myself, so I can't say. I do wish I could lock my green champagne glasses down though - and those I can't even lock down for display in a bag, but can only store them in a secure. :(


Captn Norrington

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I tried blessing a wedding ring a while back, it still couldn't be locked down. not sure if this has changed or not.


Long Live The Players
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I believe most items that cannot be locked down do not have a "weight" in the item description; After all you can't lock down air. :)


Long Live The Players
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after reading my post i realized they have things called "air locks".... im going to look in to that. ;)


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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If head name is "head of xxxxx" then cant be locked down, if name is "The head of xxxxxx" then can be locked down.


Babbling Loonie
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Some wedding rings are 'newbiefied', so they are blessed but not visually tagged as such. Unfortunately this also means that they cannot be locked down, and will decay quickly if left. Not sure if this type of 'blessed' item will let you re-bless it with a deed unfortunately.


Always Present
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I will try it on a few things and let you know. I'd love to lock down a couple of things.

Emil Ispep

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Old xmas eggnog from back in 97/98 is also newbiefied.. however there is a way around this, to make the bottle lockdownable. In New Magincia at the inn right above the docks is a daily 'empty bottle' spawn. 2 bottles, one an empty liquor bottle, the other is an empty ale bottle. Once you grab the bottles, use one of them, and it will ask 'fill from what?' Target the eggnog bottle. It will consume the old non lockdownable bottle, and the new empty bottle you just filled will keep the name, and be lockdownable. (feel free to stop by my house @ N1 New Mag on Pacific and check out the one I have. Can stay all day if youd like to see if itll decay).