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Items of value...


Stratics Veteran
So, I occasionally restart my account for a few months. And that time is now.

Just wondering what is of value in the world of UO? Like what can I make with my crafter, and how? Like I see Bokuto's are making a comeback with like 70 hit spell. What runics should I be burning?

Anything I should be hunting and looking for solo?

Thanks in advance.

Oh, also... any old school Pac players? From like the FL/MEC days?


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Just wondering what is of value in the world of UO?
That's a pretty broad question. There is a lot of items which are still valuable in-game - artifacts drops, armor, weapons - you name it.

Like what can I make with my crafter, and how? Like I see Bokuto's are making a comeback with like 70 hit spell. What runics should I be burning?
What do you want to make? You can make metal armor, leather armor, various weapons.

The runics I go through the most are shadow iron and copper.

Like, what is this worth? View attachment 52706
Maybe 5 million or so. Certainly a decent piece to throw onto a mage.

PS. Are you still in UWF on Atlantic? We can discuss some of these items in TeamSpeak later in the week if you'll be around.


Stratics Veteran
That's a pretty broad question. There is a lot of items which are still valuable in-game - artifacts drops, armor, weapons - you name it.

What do you want to make? You can make metal armor, leather armor, various weapons.

The runics I go through the most are shadow iron and copper.

Maybe 5 million or so. Certainly a decent piece to throw onto a mage.

PS. Are you still in UWF on Atlantic? We can discuss some of these items in TeamSpeak later in the week if you'll be around.

Yeah, I still am. I just bought a TON of shadow and copper runics. I just bought an 18x18 as well. And as for the bold question, I meant craftable... sorry.


Stratics Veteran
I have burned about 100 shadow runics and can't seem to get over 80% color on it. I am using JUST Equisite of quality. Not powerful or anything. What am I doing wrong, or is 100% ele damage THAT hard to get?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Shouldnt be just for the fact the prices for them is low. Im not a crafter but I know buy 100% ele weps for like 10k on atlantic.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I have burned about 100 shadow runics and can't seem to get over 80% color on it. I am using JUST Equisite of quality. Not powerful or anything. What am I doing wrong, or is 100% ele damage THAT hard to get?
I use powerful and quality.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
Yeah, once I started doing that. I made about 5 of them instantly. Thanks for everything Merlin. Were you in MEC back in the day?
No, I don't recall MEC.

What about Jewlery? What should I use and look for, then imbue on that?
I usually try to find a ring or bracelet off of vendor search that only has one or two mods on it - preferably with atleast one of them being over the normal imbue cap. I will buy it and then imbue whatever remaining handful of mods I need. Obviously the mods I choose to imbue will change from each character, depending on what is needed.

Keep in mind though, there are ALOT of good antique jewels out there today that have way more mods than anything that can be imbued. They don't last as long, but I'd say they're still worth it. Depending on what type of template you're building, I can probably help you out with something from my stash. :)


Stratics Veteran
No, I don't recall MEC.

I usually try to find a ring or bracelet off of vendor search that only has one or two mods on it - preferably with atleast one of them being over the normal imbue cap. I will buy it and then imbue whatever remaining handful of mods I need. Obviously the mods I choose to imbue will change from each character, depending on what is needed.

Keep in mind though, there are ALOT of good antique jewels out there today that have way more mods than anything that can be imbued. They don't last as long, but I'd say they're still worth it. Depending on what type of template you're building, I can probably help you out with something from my stash. :)

Thanks man, but I have what I need as far as jewelry and gold to get more. I just like making and selling stuff.

Critical Gaming

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
70 hit spell weps should be made with "powerful" reforging and mid-grade tools with a single name "vicious / of slaughter".

Sampires may like 70% hit area double axes or black staves - the extra 20% is really noticeable, but its nearly impossible to get a 100% elemental with 70% hit area.

People tend to buy up sampire suits if they're made correctly. 180 stam suits based around a legendary should go for ~70m (excluding jewels/weaps/artifacts - just the pieces) - the reason they're popular is because with 2x 10% ssi jewels @ 180 stam you can swing a double axe at cap without putting SSI on it. Most will do an epic stam/stat legendary with LMC and heavy resists, then reforge a few 5hci pieces and imbue/enhance with an artifacts tool if resists are too low. I recommend making plate and studded if you go this route because people have different preferences regarding reduced stam loss vs more lmc. You can also make luck samp suits.

Bucs Den has the PvP supply market so if you try that it will probably fail. Boxes/potions/apples/smokebombs/etc...

As far as pvp suits, mage suits are kind of pointless to make anymore but dexxers can still compete in fully crafted suits.


Stratics Veteran
70 hit spell weps should be made with "powerful" reforging and mid-grade tools with a single name "vicious / of slaughter".

Sampires may like 70% hit area double axes or black staves - the extra 20% is really noticeable, but its nearly impossible to get a 100% elemental with 70% hit area.

People tend to buy up sampire suits if they're made correctly. 180 stam suits based around a legendary should go for ~70m (excluding jewels/weaps/artifacts - just the pieces) - the reason they're popular is because with 2x 10% ssi jewels @ 180 stam you can swing a double axe at cap without putting SSI on it. Most will do an epic stam/stat legendary with LMC and heavy resists, then reforge a few 5hci pieces and imbue/enhance with an artifacts tool if resists are too low. I recommend making plate and studded if you go this route because people have different preferences regarding reduced stam loss vs more lmc. You can also make luck samp suits.

Bucs Den has the PvP supply market so if you try that it will probably fail. Boxes/potions/apples/smokebombs/etc...

As far as pvp suits, mage suits are kind of pointless to make anymore but dexxers can still compete in fully crafted suits.

Dude, thank you... this is what I have been looking for. THANK you~~