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Items from my house only I have accessed to, were stolen..

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Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there anything I can do? I paged GM's over & over to no avail only receiving various canned messages (none even showed up) and sent a PM to Chrissay explaining it the best I can. Anyone else have any ideas? :wall::wall::wall:

Old Man of UO

Without more details, hard to say what would help.

That aside, I would do a system virus scan and then change my password just in case your account info was stolen. Better safe than sorry.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The most I can report is, it seems as though..

Even though the friends/accessed list has been cleared at least 4-5 times over the last year, with the "Return To Britianna" it has made a past "closed account" friend name 'Randomly' appear upon the friends list, enabling them to loot the items. So until more word is told to me, I suggest everyone check their friends/accessed list every day with the "Return To Brit" thing going on, to save yourself past "accesses" randomly appearing and allowing people to loot your things also. :thumbdown::wall:


The most I can report is, it seems as though..

Even though the friends/accessed list has been cleared at least 4-5 times over the last year, with the "Return To Britianna" it has made a past "closed account" friend name 'Randomly' appear upon the friends list, enabling them to loot the items. So until more word is told to me, I suggest everyone check their friends/accessed list every day with the "Return To Brit" thing going on, to save yourself past "accesses" randomly appearing and allowing people to loot your things also. :thumbdown::wall:
Well I dont think this should be posted here then. I hope you get help. But now more people know.

Nastia Cross

Well I dont think this should be posted here then. I hope you get help. But now more people know.
Unfortunately, when no help is received from the GMs regarding a GLARING bug involving their Return to Brit program, where else are people supposed to go for help?

Old Man of UO

Well I dont think this should be posted here then. I hope you get help. But now more people know.
No, I used this information to clear my friends list. Two names appeared on it that should not have been there.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, I used this information to clear my friends list. Two names appeared on it that should not have been there.
I'm glad I could save you of the same fate that could of possibly happened to you. At least if I don't get anything back, I helped a fellow player out.

Nastia Cross

No, I used this information to clear my friends list. Two names appeared on it that should not have been there.
2nd person to corroborate this. Everyone should be checking their house access/friend/co-owners list and clearing anyone they do not recognize. Just because you bought a house from someone, does not mean that you are safe. I just hope that no one else was taken advantage of because of this bug. DEVS, can we get a response/fix for this please? Its nice to have people "Return to Brit" but not at the expense of current paying players.

Nastia Cross

There should be a comment or a bulletin or something. Honestly, something like this is much more important than Vet Reward Statues walking around... they posted a notice about that, there should at least be a warning about this. I understand that EA has a policy or whatever, but people are losing things through no fault of their own. If EA was able to revert an entire shard to replace items in people's Luna houses, they can do something about this.


Unfortunately, when no help is received from the GMs regarding a GLARING bug involving their Return to Brit program, where else are people supposed to go for help?

It's not really EA or Mythic's fault if he or anyone accesses untrustworthy people to their home.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
u know what? I was just thinking that you were another nooby around in uo , but oh well lets check my house friends list and !WOOOOOT OMG! I found 7 yes 7 names of people I never granted friend status to my house so people you all better check your house friend list......

This bug is really a super issue!!

Nastia Cross

It's not really EA or Mythic's fault if he or anyone accesses untrustworthy people to their home.
Wow did you not read the post? The OP cleared his house access/friend list several times over the past year. BUT because of a bug, an inactive character was NEVER CLEARED.

Don't people trade houses anymore? If anyone was accessed/friended to a house and went inactive, the name disappears from the house list. With Return to Brit, these chars are now ACTIVE again and still accessed/friended to houses. So basically anyone that owns a house that was previously owned by someone else is possibly in danger of having strangers still accessed/friended. Nice to log in and find all of your things missing due to a bug like that...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So from what I've been reading, is that accessed persons who went inactive disappeared from the list and re-appeared when they became active with the Return to Britannia promotion. Yes?

Nastia Cross

So from what I've been reading, is that accessed persons who went inactive disappeared from the list and re-appeared when they became active with the Return to Britannia promotion. Yes?
Yes, accessed, friended and co-owned persons.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well that's not good. Inactive players shouldn't vanish from an access/friend/co-own list. They sure don't vanish from a guild roster list.


The most I can report is, it seems as though..

Even though the friends/accessed list has been cleared at least 4-5 times over the last year, with the "Return To Britianna" it has made a past "closed account" friend name 'Randomly' appear upon the friends list, enabling them to loot the items. So until more word is told to me, I suggest everyone check their friends/accessed list every day with the "Return To Brit" thing going on, to save yourself past "accesses" randomly appearing and allowing people to loot your things also. :thumbdown::wall:

If this is true sounds more like a new hack than some mysterious bug related to Return to Britannia. Downloaded any new programs or accepted any links from friends or strangers in UO lately?

I have several house holding accounts that I do not pay every month, yet the chars from those unpaid accounts that are accessed to my other houses still show up on those house's access lists.

So all those old closed accounts that are now open due to RTB, if their name was on your houses access list it should have shown up, every day since you accessed them.

I think it is more likely those names were always on your access list, but perhaps you have so many names accessed you didn't pay them any mind?

Or you assumed those old former accessed players had quit and wouldn't be returning?

Both these ideas are more logical than saying RTB caused your house to be looted by someone whose access to your house you had removed 4 or 5 times by clearing the access list.

It's a good idea to report it as a bug anyway, the worst thing that can happen is you look silly (been there done that one).

Also it's good to alert people with large access lists that some old accessed players they thought they'd never see again may return and do a Goldilocks type thing on their house.

Sorry you lost items.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do you guys do? Friend everybody that comes around?

This is not the fault of EA. This is just plain stupidity. Do you guys also give out your email passwords and credit card info to people you meet online?

Make your chests owner only if you want to keep stuff for yourself. You make a chest friend access then your friends will access it. DUH

You set friend access to something and YOU have to make a character a friend. EA did not do this. You did!

Now I see why so many "claim" to be hacked.

GL Import

i also went in my friends list and had 2 names that shouldnt of been there so thanks for the heads up but i also only have one box of stuff like pawain mentions that is for friends


What do you guys do? Friend everybody that comes around?

This is not the fault of EA. This is just plain stupidity. Do you guys also give out your email passwords and credit card info to people you meet online?

Make your chests owner only if you want to keep stuff for yourself. You make a chest friend access then your friends will access it. DUH

You set friend access to something and YOU have to make a character a friend. EA did not do this. You did!

Now I see why so many "claim" to be hacked.
How do you know it was more then 1 friend friended, friend? Easy with the blame.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How do you know it was more then 1 friend friended, friend? Easy with the blame.
"Items from my house only I have accessed to, were stolen.."

That is the title of this post. That is false. His items were in a container set to friend access. That means he was not the only one able to access the items.

If the lists were cleared when an account goes inactive, then people would be here complaining that banned people were getting into their homes.

The OP should be able to see the names on the friend list and know who took the stuff.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not really EA or Mythic's fault if he or anyone accesses untrustworthy people to their home.
Once again, you prove yourself to be the one sided person I laughed about a week ago. Does everything in life seem so linear to you?

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Items from my house only I have accessed to, were stolen.."

That is the title of this post. That is false. His items were in a container set to friend access. That means he was not the only one able to access the items.

If the lists were cleared when an account goes inactive, then people would be here complaining that banned people were getting into their homes.

The OP should be able to see the names on the friend list and know who took the stuff.
That would depend entirely on the system used to store the friends list. Take a look at UO.com as an example...after 30 days of inactivity the chars name disappears completely off the VISIBLE roster, yet they still exist on the GUILD roster internally. Since information in the game seems to piggy back onto various systems, it would be logical to deduce that the same thing may have happened in these situations.

Hate to say it, but you act as if this game is free of bugs and holes...so I say please return to Hello Kitty Island Adventures if this is the case. :next:

Nastia Cross

"Items from my house only I have accessed to, were stolen.."

That is the title of this post. That is false. His items were in a container set to friend access. That means he was not the only one able to access the items.

If the lists were cleared when an account goes inactive, then people would be here complaining that banned people were getting into their homes.

The OP should be able to see the names on the friend list and know who took the stuff.
The point you're not seeing is this:

Apparently after a certain amount of time, characters on a deactivated account no longer show up on access/friend/co-owner lists. So for example, several of my friends have deactivated their accounts and I forget to clear the access list (they're my friends, so I keep them on their incase they reactivate). Time goes by and these names dissappear from the list. I decide to sell my house for whatever reason. Being a good citizen, I clear my access/friend/co-owner list before I transfer the account. Time goes by and EA opens up the Return to Brit program. Said new owner doesn't check their access/friend/co-owner list (for whatever reason) and is not aware that new names have magically appeared on their house list. The reactivated account logs in to the game into a house no longer owned by their friend. HEY! They can get into chests...

People have their access set how they want it for whatever reason, maybe they have more than one account and need all characters accessed to the chests, maybe they have more than one house and can't co-own all characters to one house...

Do you see where I'm going with this? Yes, some people are dumb and make dumb mistakes, but that does not by any means account for all of the possibilities with this.

And obviously, its not "banned people" getting into others' homes because banned accounts were not turned back on under the Return to Brit program.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm willing to confirm this now as well. I had people I've never met on my only home I didn't place my self. I'm a very security conscious person The only people that should be on my house lists are ME there were 2 people on here I don't know that must have been friends of the original home owner and been inactive before it was transferred to me. I urge you all to continue checking your friends and co owner lists, until we have a formal resolution to this situation.

Nastia Cross

I'm willing to confirm this now as well. I had people I've never met on my only home I didn't place my self. I'm a very security conscious person The only people that should be on my house lists are ME there were 2 people on here I don't know that must have been friends of the original home owner and been inactive before it was transferred to me. I urge you all to continue checking your friends and co owner lists, until we have a formal resolution to this situation.
The thing that really scares me about this is that, at any time, a deactivated account can be reactivated and all of a sudden have access to your house. It is just glaringly obvious now because of how many deactivated accounts were logged in recently because of the Return to Brit program. Unless you placed the house yourself and have never had anyone else accessed previously, you have no idea who may have access to your house. I know it sound paranoid, but it is obviously the truth...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Items from my house only I have accessed to, were stolen.."

That is the title of this post. That is false. His items were in a container set to friend access. That means he was not the only one able to access the items.

If the lists were cleared when an account goes inactive, then people would be here complaining that banned people were getting into their homes.

The OP should be able to see the names on the friend list and know who took the stuff.
I set most of my containers to friends because I have multiple accounts and can't co-own everyone.

I'm lucky, I placed all the homes I own.

I would not pooh-pooh this, it is very serious. If anyone has a home they bought, not placed, please change the access of all your containers to owner only! It will be a pain for now, but better that than to wake up tomorrow and have half your stuff missing.

If you are really worried about it and are able to replace your house without too much inconvenience, then drop the sucker and put it back up. FYI the moving crate is only for recustomizing, not for moving, so you will need to do something with the stuff you have in your house.

Maybe it sounds drastic but this is a pretty nasty bug. Don't forget the resize option, you can only try once per hour so make sure your house is properly placed before you drop it and then take a screenshot of where your house was before you resize and replace.

Old Man of UO

What do you guys do? Friend everybody that comes around?

This is not the fault of EA. This is just plain stupidity. Do you guys also give out your email passwords and credit card info to people you meet online?...
You can't really be as dumb as you sound. I've cleared my house-friend list, more than once. But I had two names that re-appeared recently. I didn't have anything taken and never claimed anyone "hacked" anything, just think there is a problem there, don't you?

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i found it creepy that after i went through EA's official Account Transfer Process last year, that the account i bought still had friend-access to houses I wasn't familiar with. when i logged into the account after finalizing it with EA, some of the chars had been logged out in people's houses and were still friended - i even browsed through one house's chests (didn't take anything obviously, just wanted to see if i could access stuff). i think they should clear all those when an account is offically transferred. that was sort of a tangent, but related to this new very scary bug.


Once again, you prove yourself to be the one sided person I laughed about a week ago. Does everything in life seem so linear to you?

One sided? How so?

Sorry I don't recall any posts by you in reply to any of mine.


I am the kind of person who if someone yells:


I will go have a look outside.

I won't just take their word for it and then run along screaming to tell others the sky is falling.

Is there some law that I don't know about that says I have to believe everything that I read?


The thing that really scares me about this is that, at any time, a deactivated account can be reactivated and all of a sudden have access to your house. It is just glaringly obvious now because of how many deactivated accounts were logged in recently because of the Return to Brit program. Unless you placed the house yourself and have never had anyone else accessed previously, you have no idea who may have access to your house. I know it sound paranoid, but it is obviously the truth...

Where is your proof of any of this?

Torin Galka

Thank you for sharing this. I will be checking on my house asap.

Vampyre Kitty

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im a little confused on this.. if I didn't place my home.. but I've switched owners around.. shuffling houses and what not.. wouldn't this delete anyone thats on or was on my list.? It used to delete the banned/coown/friend list.. I'm assuming that this is some weird bug and the chars are in fact staying on after a house xfer or if you just in general delete them from the list.?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK, I purchased a keep from someone and did, in fact, have an unknown name in my friends list (and I do not friend anyone, I only grant access) so then my question is...If I clear the list now and someone else re-activates an account, will their name pop in my list? This is awful. Luckily that person did not think to come back and rob me blind but this is truly bothersome! What if I am at work and this happens again? I hope we get some answers and fixes for this in the very near future.

Nastia Cross

Im a little confused on this.. if I didn't place my home.. but I've switched owners around.. shuffling houses and what not.. wouldn't this delete anyone thats on or was on my list.? It used to delete the banned/coown/friend list.. I'm assuming that this is some weird bug and the chars are in fact staying on after a house xfer or if you just in general delete them from the list.?
If you've manually deleted individual names, no they won't show back up. But if an account goes inactive and that char was friended to your house, they some how drop off your list and even if you clear all of your lists, it seems that when that account is reactivated, they will show up on your house access list.


Where is your proof of any of this?
Do you even read threads? Or do you just come to threads and post blindly without even reading through the entire thread?

Multiple people have stated finding names on their lists that shouldn't have been there.

Secondly, it seems that this is happening to people who have bought/traded houses so the "friends" stuff you were talking about could be completely wrong.


Char A sells his house to Char B. Char A was the original owner. Char B wipes all the lists, so that he is the only one with access. Char A quits UO, "never to return."

RTB comes around, and Char A decides to see whats new. Char A comes back, and the game puts him as a Friend of Char B's house. Only, because this is a bug, Char A actually has owner rights to Char B's house because Char A was the original OWNER.

Seeing as its been confirmed by many people, I doubt this is just someone crying wolf.

It seems to be a major problem, and needs to be confirmed by EA/Mythic and rectified.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One sided? How so?

Sorry I don't recall any posts by you in reply to any of mine.


I am the kind of person who if someone yells:


I will go have a look outside.

I won't just take their word for it and then run along screaming to tell others the sky is falling.

Is there some law that I don't know about that says I have to believe everything that I read?
My point is, bugs exist in the game and pop up at some of the most opportune moments. Giving someone a difficult time for providing a public service announcement (to potentially save even your ass...providing it need saving of course) is just plain dumb.

Mmk mr. troll?

(btw...someone please let a cat loose to poop in this guys sandbox...thanks.)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The thing that really scares me about this is that, at any time, a deactivated account can be reactivated and all of a sudden have access to your house. It is just glaringly obvious now because of how many deactivated accounts were logged in recently because of the Return to Brit program. Unless you placed the house yourself and have never had anyone else accessed previously, you have no idea who may have access to your house. I know it sound paranoid, but it is obviously the truth...

Where is your proof of any of this?
I will pay someone 100 million gold if they can provide proof of their cat pooping in this guys sandbox.


Do you even read threads? Or do you just come to threads and post blindly without even reading through the entire thread?

Multiple people have stated finding names on their lists that shouldn't have been there.

Secondly, it seems that this is happening to people who have bought/traded houses so the "friends" stuff you were talking about could be completely wrong.


Char A sells his house to Char B. Char A was the original owner. Char B wipes all the lists, so that he is the only one with access. Char A quits UO, "never to return."

RTB comes around, and Char A decides to see whats new. Char A comes back, and the game puts him as a Friend of Char B's house. Only, because this is a bug, Char A actually has owner rights to Char B's house because Char A was the original OWNER.

Seeing as its been confirmed by many people, I doubt this is just someone crying wolf.

It seems to be a major problem, and needs to be confirmed by EA/Mythic and rectified.



GL Import
Old Man of UO
and the OP Bombastic Fail

Six people claim that they have found names they feel should not be on their homes access list.

6 out of 18 people

It is quite logical to me that any or all of these 6 may have:

downloaded some hack that allowed those unrecognized names to be added to their houses access lists,

or they haven't checked their house's access list in a long time, until they read this thread and have just forgotten that they themselves accessed those unrecognized names,

or they allowed a friend or family member to play on their account who accessed the names they do not recognize,

I DO believe that people friend others to their houses, and when the others they "friended" quit playing on that friended account at some point, the house owner forgets to unfriend them.

Then yes maybe the "friended" who quit has now jumped onto the open account to rob the house.

This is the only way anyone could blame the Return to Britannia Event for this, and even then it's the house owners fault for not keeping his access list up to date.

Since I have no clue what these six players personal online habits are or who they are friends with ingame, maybe some brokers or gold sellers who'd like to sell their items for cash, then I must, until Mythic admits they are at fault, lay the blame squarely at the player's door.

Maybe the six would like to compare notes and give us some more data to work with such as:

what websites related to UO that they have visited lately, such as those search websites for shopping or to buy UO gold or items for cash,

if they use ICQ,

if they are friends with anyone sordid ingame, such as scriptors or dupers,

if they participated in any player run events lately that required they give out any information about themselves such as their email or ICQ,

if they generally friend anyone who asks to their houses,

if they ever allow other players, friends or family members to play on their accounts,

if they are forgetful ingame and irl,

what were the names they found on their house signs that they didn't recognize (a taming script names all tamed bulls NULL then says NULL release, in case this is a script perhaps the names are all the same?)

and how many times a day, week, year, month do these players normally check their house's access lists?

Comparing ALL the available data may lead to actually solving this mystery, but we have too little data at this point to just assume it's a bug related to the Return to Brittania Event.

Check your house signs by all means. If you find names you don't recognize, report it as a bug with the names you find in case they are all alike.

Maybe it IS a bug but if it is I'd expect it's related to either KR's allowing us to be co-owners to multiple houses, or something in the enhanced client, or even Developer or program error.

I never heard of anything like this happening during the 2007 RTB Event.

There was no RTB Event in 2008 and I honestly can't recall if there were a Return to Brittania Event before 2007.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey slave girl (XLaCeDX), how about you put two and two together for a change? Expansions + RTB events = new bugs + old bugs revisited.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lox didnt u place all ur houses?
All except my armor house. Which up until now, I just said "some items" were stolen. I am by no means "poor" in this game. I've been to various events in the past (Magincia Invasion, up until recently the Shadowlord downfall) and have been lucky. I've made over 400+ mill from the mag event, and over that time, have bought items such as barbed kits and verite/valorite runic hammers, and resold armor/weapons clearly for profit. Over this time, I have amassed over 1 billion (through obvisious legit game play) and about 1 billion worth in armor. (estimated)

This house, which was on a 2nd account, was friended to myself, and only my other account. I figured, it was, if anything, even safer than my main account, because if I got "hacked" at least the armor would be safe, and I could safely rebuild simply by selling it off.

Now, as I enter the house upon the morning, to simply make an LRC suit for a guildmate who wanted to work magery, I found my armor had been looted. At first, I didn't panic, I said maybe it was just logged in and out several times, and then realized, it was really gone. I searched the area (hoping maybe it was outside or something, you get really upset when all your items mysteriously "vanish") and I found 5 wild pack horses roaming the area. (I live in fell, in a secluded area, so this kinda thing is not normal). Along with a new house placed pretty much 1 screen away from my house.

I paged a gm several times, first saying things like my items have been stolen, and named some key items they stole that couldn't simply be "sold" (aka faction arties, blessed for MY characters). Canned responses. So I finally got mad and put "Send a gm to my house now! someone stole my things!" more canned responses. I then messaged chrissay, as I was advised via a friend, and a few hours later, she told me she would look into the matter, but with the lost items policy, the items couldnt be returned at all.

I then studied this "Lost Items Policy". As it appears, any items that are "lost or deleted" can not be given back, and gigs of backup data could only prove an item "existed" and not that I "owned" it. I, therein, saw a flaw. My items were still in existance! It was a bug, not DELETING my items, but allowing someone to STEAL my items. I sent another Pm to chrissay explaining this. She said, since they are no longer in my possession, they are now "lost" and in no way can be retrieved.

Am I angry? Sure. I am even pondering the idea of quitting. No, its not because I lost "everything". It's simply because a bug enabled someone to steal everything of mine, and someone else is now out there parading around with my items, as if nothing happened. There was no follow-up, no "we will look into this matter", not even a statement of "Their is a bug, everyone else beware, Bombastic/Lox we are sorry for your loss."

I can simply rebuild (again, I have money). I have a 120 Imbuer I finished within the first week of SA (Which I bought upgrade codes for my accounts). That isn't even a question. But I wonder, how something like this could happen, without a real follow-up? This is basically as if someone stole from you, and the police say "Yep, they came through the window. Your things are lost. We will be on our way." Wouldn't you feel jipped with your service? I am and always will be an optimistic person, but this is unreal, to say the least.

You guys can say "Oh shut up, at least you have money" or "Ohh whine more" and thats fine. I'm not asking for charity, or any of that. I just want other people to be aware of this bug, and EA to let people know, and perhaps an apology that I lost things because of their bug. I don't even want the items back, I just want them deleted. I don't like how someone can use a bug, exploit it to STEAL items, and then get away with it, without any further follow-up. That's about it.




GL Import
Old Man of UO
and the OP Bombastic Fail

Six people claim that they have found names they feel should not be on their homes access list.

6 out of 18 people

It is quite logical to me that any or all of these 6 may have:

downloaded some hack that allowed those unrecognized names to be added to their houses access lists,

or they haven't checked their house's access list in a long time, until they read this thread and have just forgotten that they themselves accessed those unrecognized names,

or they allowed a friend or family member to play on their account who accessed the names they do not recognize,

I DO believe that people friend others to their houses, and when the others they "friended" quit playing on that friended account at some point, the house owner forgets to unfriend them.

Then yes maybe the "friended" who quit has now jumped onto the open account to rob the house.

This is the only way anyone could blame the Return to Britannia Event for this, and even then it's the house owners fault for not keeping his access list up to date.

Since I have no clue what these six players personal online habits are or who they are friends with ingame, maybe some brokers or gold sellers who'd like to sell their items for cash, then I must, until Mythic admits they are at fault, lay the blame squarely at the player's door.

Maybe the six would like to compare notes and give us some more data to work with such as:

what websites related to UO that they have visited lately, such as those search websites for shopping or to buy UO gold or items for cash,

if they use ICQ,

if they are friends with anyone sordid ingame, such as scriptors or dupers,

if they participated in any player run events lately that required they give out any information about themselves such as their email or ICQ,

if they generally friend anyone who asks to their houses,

if they ever allow other players, friends or family members to play on their accounts,

if they are forgetful ingame and irl,

what were the names they found on their house signs that they didn't recognize (a taming script names all tamed bulls NULL then says NULL release, in case this is a script perhaps the names are all the same?)

and how many times a day, week, year, month do these players normally check their house's access lists?

Comparing ALL the available data may lead to actually solving this mystery, but we have too little data at this point to just assume it's a bug related to the Return to Brittania Event.

Check your house signs by all means. If you find names you don't recognize, report it as a bug with the names you find in case they are all alike.

Maybe it IS a bug but if it is I'd expect it's related to either KR's allowing us to be co-owners to multiple houses, or something in the enhanced client, or even Developer or program error.

I never heard of anything like this happening during the 2007 RTB Event.

There was no RTB Event in 2008 and I honestly can't recall if there were a Return to Brittania Event before 2007.

That pretty big.

Thats more % than the % of rat droppings allowed in your Chip's Ahoy cookies. -.-

Hey btw, how is life on the glass half empty side anyway? :pint::thumbsup:

Petra Fyde

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