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Item Bless Deeds

  • Thread starter imported_BoneDaddy
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Where do you get them?

I mean... I know where you used to be able to get them.

You know from the clean up campaign.

But... Where do you get them now?


I guess I wasn't being clear enough....

Where is the continuous supply coming from?

Where do the fences get them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have always wondered about this too. I know they were duped but seriously where THAT many duped? I mean I see more IBD's than anything else that was part of clean up.

I remember when I was new These where unheard of and believed to be gone.


I remember the ticket system in place and hardly anyone saving them...

Everyone I knew blessed something stupid....


It appears that one is available anytime if one has the gold.

Weird eh?

Personally, Id rather see a ginormous gold sink from EA for them.

Pay 75M gold to a IBD vendor and *poof* you get something blessed....


Then surely all these other sellers would just charge 70m for their deeds!


Easy solution thinking the way EA does !

"Let's make all the deeds No-Drop & No-Trade ! That'll fix it all!"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they might as well give us some as gifts they already have insurance :p



Haha Notice the key word there "Them".....

[/ QUOTE ]

So what...?



Easy solution thinking the way EA does !

"Let's make all the deeds No-Drop &amp; No-Trade ! That'll fix it all!"

[/ QUOTE ]


Then sell them for 20M. Sell them for 10M. I could care less what the price it. We have insurance so it really doesn't make sense to buy one unless you die more than (price of deed) / (cost of insurance) times.

Does it really matter?

The point is that it will cause a nice gold sink and will get the money out of the hands of the people who contribute to the duping problem.

Oh wait...

There is that word that nobody here wants to use.





Then sell them for 20M. Sell them for 10M. I could care less what the price it. We have insurance so it really doesn't make sense to buy one unless you die more than (price of deed) / (cost of insurance) times.

Does it really matter?

The point is that it will cause a nice gold sink and will get the money out of the hands of the people who contribute to the duping problem.

Oh wait...

There is that word that nobody here wants to use.


[/ QUOTE ]

The word nobody wants to use? Please. I gladly throw that word around and if it wasn't for the warnings and bannings I'd get from stratics I would have continued calling out every duper trying to sell their junk on these forums. Sadly the ROC prevents people from saying anything negative about another player directly.

It sounds more to me that you're more angry about the fact that you can't currently get blessed items and others can more so about the fact that duping in this game has long been out of hand for many years with no foreseeable solution in sight.

What makes you think dupers will lose money over this? They have hoards of every item that's been duped in random houses on every shard. Bags of artifacts, tokens, PS, server births, "one of a kind" things like vinecord sandals, event rares, and god knows what else.

So if EA ever decides to create a blessing vendor, what's the point of insurance? None. This game would eventually end up becoming more like WOW where there is absolutely no penalty for dying. No loss of anything at all and I highly doubt all the people who complain about tram being created in the first place will be too enthusiastic about a game where everything is blessable.

Great, so a blessing ends up costing 5mil or whatever, what happens then? If you're going to address the problem of duping, they need to think of a global solution. Not focus on 1 item. As of now anyone can get a fully blessed suit and it will only cost them what... like 300-500m? Any power gamer generally already has that much sitting around collecting dust. All this would do is get rid of bless deeds' use and let dupers make money off other things.



I gladly throw that word around and if it wasn't for the warnings and bannings I'd get from stratics I would have continued calling out every duper trying to sell their junk on these forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are quitting anyhow...
So be a martyr for the legit players and call out every duper before you go.


It sounds more to me that you're more angry about the fact that you can't currently get blessed items and others can more so about the fact that duping in this game has long been out of hand for many years with no foreseeable solution in sight.

[/ QUOTE ]

Welp then I have cleared misplaced my anger. I could care less about me not being able to bless my garbage. My stuff isn't worthy of being blessed. The point was that IBDs seem to keep appearing out of nowhere... Yet.. Nobody knows why. Hrm. Weird.


So if EA ever decides to create a blessing vendor, what's the point of insurance? None.

[/ QUOTE ]

Insurance is for the poor. Blessings are for the rich. The point is to remove vast amounts of gold from the game instead of giving it to the dupers.


This game would eventually end up becoming more like WOW where there is absolutely no penalty for dying. No loss of anything at all and I highly doubt all the people who complain about tram being created in the first place will be too enthusiastic about a game where everything is blessable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Everything is blessable now. Just dupe yourself some nifty IBDs and voila. InstaWOW.

You yourself even said so here:

As of now anyone can get a fully blessed suit and it will only cost them what... like 300-500m?

[/ QUOTE ]

So you can be just like WOW for a mere 300-500M


Great, so a blessing ends up costing 5mil or whatever, what happens then?

[/ QUOTE ]

Then the money leaves the game instead of going to one who contributes to the duping problem.


If you're going to address the problem of duping, they need to think of a global solution. Not focus on 1 item

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually.. I was just addressing this one item. Hence the "Item Bless Deeds" title. I wasn't looking to fix duping. Just the IBDs.


What makes you think dupers will lose money over this?

[/ QUOTE ]

You pretty much answered this here:


All this would do is get rid of bless deeds' use and let dupers make money off other things.

[/ QUOTE ]

That was pretty much my point wasn't it?

And finally...

As of now anyone can get a fully blessed suit and it will only cost them what... like 300-500m? Any power gamer generally already has that much sitting around collecting dust.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am accepting any dust covered gold coins. If any power gamer has some coins that is wasting space and collecting dust... Then by all means, I will be happy to get rid of that burden for them.



You are quitting anyhow...
So be a martyr for the legit players and call out every duper before you go.

[/ QUOTE ] I would, but all the ones I hated have gone quiet or taken up new identities after the first ban cycle.


Welp then I have cleared misplaced my anger. I could care less about me not being able to bless my garbage. My stuff isn't worthy of being blessed. The point was that IBDs seem to keep appearing out of nowhere... Yet.. Nobody knows why. Hrm. Weird.

[/ QUOTE ]

They're not so much just appearing out of no where, they've been around and never disappeared. This duped item has been around for years and has always been available for purchase for the right price. All that's happened lately is more people are able to afford it due to anyone being able to just afk script farm barbed kits and sell thousands a week for 2-3m per.


Insurance is for the poor. Blessings are for the rich. The point is to remove vast amounts of gold from the game instead of giving it to the dupers.

[/ QUOTE ] Vast amounts of gold will never be removed from the game at a rate that's greater than the speed it gets created every hour by afk vamp dexxers scripting gold from various dungeons on every server such as crystal demons. Maybe it may eventually dwindle if EA constantly banned these afk botters, but it'll never happen because EA doesn't care about it anymore and I've gotten tired of paging on people botting only to see them sitting there continuing it while I get canned msgs from GMs.


Everything is blessable now. Just dupe yourself some nifty IBDs and voila. InstaWOW.

[/ QUOTE ]

The latest dupe method was fixed earlier this year I believe so whatever IBDs you see now are just backstock from what was created before. If there was an active dupe out you can be assured they won't be duping junky little IBDs because the market on them is so small that it's not really worth while anymore. Why dupe an IBD when you can dupe a million heartwood runics and bod books filled with 5000 filled b.kit Lbods each? 50m IBD vs a bod book worth 10bil gold in 1 dupe cycle? Unless EA decides to screw something up AGAIN you can expect to see the IBDs eventually dissappear again in time. So don't worry about an active dupe on IBDs so much as EA screwing up coding again.


So you can be just like WOW for a mere 300-500M

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, a mere 300-500m. Just look at for example, the past 10 rares auctions held on stratics. Probably 90% of the things bought were just a handful of collectors shelling out billions of gold to assimilate the quitting players' goods. There are many people with loads of gold packed away doing nothing but waiting to be spent, all the people who don't sell their gold but are smart enough to resale at a good pace just have loads of it. Just because they don't all walk around in blessed suits doesn't mean there aren't multi billionaires under our noses
They're just smart enough not to waste the money on a blessed suit that becomes obsolete in a random patch that nerfs what the suit's stats are. Unlike myself of course, whose vamp mage suit had its worth cut in half in one swift patch that nerfed magery in vamp form.


Then the money leaves the game instead of going to one who contributes to the duping problem.

[/ QUOTE ] The thing with dupers is they never will find a problem in running low on gold unless they're banned. One item's profit margin becomes too low? No problem, they'll just move on into supplying another dupe until the demands shift again. That's the benefits of just magically creating items out of thin air I suppose.


Actually.. I was just addressing this one item. Hence the "Item Bless Deeds" title. I wasn't looking to fix duping. Just the IBDs.

[/ QUOTE ] If you were concerned with keeping gold out of dupers' pockets I would think that your main concern should be duping as a whole. Concentrating on just a specific item with low demand such as an item bless deed was what initially prompted me into thinking you had a desire for the item and thus began research upon it.


I am accepting any dust covered gold coins. If any power gamer has some coins that is wasting space and collecting dust... Then by all means, I will be happy to get rid of that burden for them.

[/ QUOTE ] Dust covered gold coins of mine are only relinquished with dust covered dollar bills in real life. Power gamers are usually that... power gamers. Most are moguls and not very charitable when it comes to spreading their wealth among everyone. It's not so much a burden for them either, as the gold basically sits on a solitary vendor which self maintains itself while holding billions of gold until it's needed.


I pretty much agree with everything you said.

However... I wasn't looking at removing duping.

I believe duping is horrible and outright wrong.

But.. In my opinion...
An equal (if not bigger?) wrong is the amazing amount of gold that is floating in the economy.

We need more gold sinks
We need restrictions on how much gold vendors can carry
We need harsher punishments on dupers
We need GMs that actually walk around on the shards

But hey... Im preaching to the choir.

Which is proably a good reason as to why you quit.


Dust covered gold coins of mine are only relinquished with dust covered dollar bills in real life. Power gamers are usually that... power gamers. Most are moguls and not very charitable when it comes to spreading their wealth among everyone. It's not so much a burden for them either, as the gold basically sits on a solitary vendor which self maintains itself while holding billions of gold until it's needed.

[/ QUOTE ]


Even Napa gold?!

Napa gold isn't worth much of anything is it?



Hehe, sadly the days when GMs actually gave a damn and were actually *gasps* Seen ! are long gone. The capitalistic mentality of a large enterprise ruined a game that was once unique.

And I have probably a few mil on every shard that I sent with simple mage chars to every shard back when the game actually still had EM events. What a big mistake, should have known EA would can the only good thing it had going for it.




"Can I have your robe?"


Ahh... the blue robes... ahhh the red robes...

I believe we even had some green ones in there too...

Yeah... Those were the days.

I guess I fail to understand why they keep the game going half assed.

I mean... It could be a very big thing...

They have 10 years going for them. That is freaking amazing. Are you still playing any game that you played ten years ago? Hell... You aren't even playing the same game systems from ten years ago...

So yeah...
Hire some cheap labor at 40k or whatever per year and let them run around the towns and such... "hire" player chars to go out and marshal for them. Have one GM on staff dedicated to their PC marshals... Ban scripters, etc... Get rid of free accounts so that when they sign back up they must pay more $$$...

$120k per year would be around 8k-10k new players (or banned scripters coming back).

Surely they would generate more interest if they actually cleaned up and promoted the game...


That's the sole reason as to why I'm so inclined to trying to quit and selling my stuff.

No Customer support of any kind in this game. Whether it's for an in game issue that requires gms, or to enforce banning people blatantly scripting and botting. I'm pretty much sick and tired of trying to compete with these people when it comes to succeeding. The cheaters have won and I for one don't plan to join them in order to make as much money. I'd rather quit and remember UO as what it was in the early years of my life in playing games.

And yes, I do play 10 year old games still
Almost 20 years now I think? Street fighter is ftw. As is duckhunt for nintendo !


If I were you I would hang on another 6 months...

This event with Mag is huge. Buildings being destroyed???

UO has never been dynamic like this...

Perhaps it is a hint to good things to come?



Duck Hunt?!

i pwn t3h duck hunt

Yeah... I thought I was the only freak holding on to his 8 bit nintendo.

Then again.. I have around 300 games for it...

Eh... I also have my intellivision... genesis... colecovision... atari...


Every once in a while I DL an NES emulator and then go DL my favorite game...metroid!! It's better with the lil square controller, but still pretty fun on a keyboard. I loved the crap outta that game, I made these graph paper maps of all the levels (my mom threw them away which is why I do not ever call her on mothers day). I could spend hours trying to get to hard to reach places trying to time bombs so I could get higher. I loved that freeze gun, so fun to use aliens as stairs.



Holy cow..

And the code..

Justin Bailey!!

Become a woman....

oh man.. its sad that we remember such things...

Sorta like... I put all the blame on duping and scripting in UO squarely on the shoulders of Konami..

The world would have been a better place without:

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start...
