**** YEAH!
I used an SoT. Still counts dammit.
I used an SoT. Still counts dammit.
97.1 KB Views: 201
Does this mean you will stop whining in every thread about imbuing how god awful it is to train?**** YEAH!
I used an SoT. Still counts dammit.
Oh. I remember hearing them [Developers] toss around ideas for Item I.D. for instance at GM, you could perhaps use it to select which property to unravel etc.Item id can identify what ingredient an item will unravel to.
It's nice to be able to make things that exactly fit our playstyle and template, but the thing I've enjoyed making most so far (I'm probably silly) was a lrc mr bonnet.
QFT. Whiny babies.Your "forever" sir, is hardly that.
I haven't made one dang thing since I 120'd it. I know there are durability issues on weapons, not sure about armour and jewlery.Is it Worth it???