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it is a new year i am surrounde dby womaen


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am at a partty for Episcopalien literasute loverssomebody just told me all about her guinea puig nreeding hobby. .TWo hundred guinea pigs in four eayrs. What aa life that mjust be for a reasonably attracteive well-spoken owman why? Do people do it to thesmves. I saw a guinea pig once. It loked like a pjudding. Extrmely strange. I have never had a pet.

Many women in this room. I hagev alwaus liked women they are more trustyworththanmen btu the mosmt fair of all?? amber Witch. She is a great women. Pelae treat her well or I wil rain fiery deaht down upon you fomr the castle of my forebears.

If ICan stnad up it is time to urinate in the rse bush.

Hapypn ew year.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*points to Aleecia* She is mean to me!! She laughed at me when I died yesterday.
*wipes a tear*


Stratics Veteran
pfft she tried to killz mees wif herz ship. dat amber witch yoos gutz ta watch herz, she tries to put meez in da waters wif scalis

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That Fig rammed my little boat and that almost knocked you out of the boat!
Why do I get blamed for everything?

But hopefully it will all get straightened out SOON with the help of Council Sluggy.