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It Has Been Fun Uo and Napa Valley

  • Thread starter NorCal Uo Dealer
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

NorCal Uo Dealer

Well i have sold my rares off and just waiting for my 2 accounts with my 2 luna houses to sell and then i will leaving uo.. i have been playin for 5 years and it has been a great run.. right now i want to spend more time with my family and lil ones. i have logged in once in the last week and i havent even really missed it.. i have made many great friends and people that will always be in my life.. i have made enemies also which i have enjoyed talking sh*t too also.. so this is Teknik aka you know who i am ;) this break is much needed and for me i needed to sell off everything or i would always want to come log in while i can be doin things with the family... oh ya :yell: SA

NorCal Uo Dealer

Well sh*t brother without you playing and my other friends aka Budweiser-harry-smoke-jen-summerwind- dusty and a few others i know i am missin, that havent been playin. its that time :) but i know you wont sell your account so just sell everything in that keep of your and stock your banks :p


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ya i suck :( of course i aint selling my account...a nice break sounds good though


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Be good ya "GD :lick: Trammie" going miss seeing ya on & pulling each others chains. (Never going to forget that phrase either, ya nut.) Have fun with them lil ones for they're only lil for a short time. Grab all ya can & enjoy the hell outa it for that ride is a ball, let me tell ya :D.
Be good Dude & Take Care of yourself.

NorCal Uo Dealer

Lol Snake you trammie sob- you keep those d@mn trammies inline at those tram idocs :p i miss the old days when i took out Darkness and harrassed all your lil friends and you icqn me tellin me that they were all razzed but you were dyin.. you know you loved that sh*t!!

NorCal Uo Dealer

i will be on and off untill i sell the 2 accounts- i am sure we will bump into each other :p

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
crazy trammie!!
sucks your leaving man!, there wont be anyone out there stirring the people up!!....gunna have to start poppin dragon island gates again at idocs for entertainment!! lmfao

NorCal Uo Dealer

crazy trammie!!
sucks your leaving man!, there wont be anyone out there stirring the people up!!....gunna have to start poppin dragon island gates again at idocs for entertainment!! lmfao
LMFAO now that sh*t was classic.. cause you know all the lil trammies be showin each other all there idocs to each other.. damn that was awhile ago..
ya i still have the accounts atm i have one guy interested in one of them and another i am waitin on hearin back from the other..its a much needed break away from the game..like i said though i will most likely be back..but who knows.. i might find a better drug than UO..lol you damn canadian :p


Sad to see you leave, but family is much more important than UO. Maybe after a long break, you will return. There's always so much fun UO drama to laugh at. :p

It's always hard to see UO friends quit, because they usually stop all communications (such as icq). Take care and have a peaceful and prosperous new year.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its ok i'll drag him back into it when i start playing again (guess i need to quit first to start playing again)


I have a feeling we will be hearing from you soon enough.

Enjoy the family!

NorCal Uo Dealer

I have a feeling we will be hearing from you soon enough.

Enjoy the family!
Conrad my friend!! what makes you say that? (hrrrrm 2 yrs ago) is that why? lol.. we will see what the future holds.. but right now its about getting back on my feet and spendin more time with the lil ones.. who knows maybe after the world cup when Mexico wins it :p so 7 month break? lol we will see i know i have many great friends ingame that i will miss but will always have on icq- or better yet.. how about when the RAIDERS play the Redskins in the SB? lmfao

five oclock

I have a feeling we will be hearing from you soon enough.

Enjoy the family!
Conrad my friend!! what makes you say that? (hrrrrm 2 yrs ago) is that why? lol.. we will see what the future holds.. but right now its about getting back on my feet and spendin more time with the lil ones.. who knows maybe after the world cup when Mexico wins it :p so 7 month break? lol we will see i know i have many great friends ingame that i will miss but will always have on icq- or better yet.. how about when the RAIDERS play the Redskins in the SB? lmfao
Raiders and the Redskins....hahahahahahahah Only when it snows in Hell or Phoenix...


The climate is changing so maybe one day we will see it.

Until then we (Redskins Fan's) just hope.