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Issue with Rare "Owned By" Summoning Talismans (pix)



I have a Talisman of Vorpal Bunny Summoning which has the "owned by" modification which makes it blessed for, bound to and useable only by my char.

The talisman has only ever been bound to my char, Lady Vix, and it displays the "Owned by Lady Vix" tag appropriately.

The vorpal bunny summoners no longer spawn and are therefore considered rare talismans. To me, it's a fun item, one which was gifted to me by a dear friend so it also has enormous sentimental value. I have summoned vorpal bunnies with it as recently as last month and to the best of my knowledge it's always been fully functional.

Whenever I attempt to equip the vorpal bunny summoning talisman, it auto-removes itself to my backpack and I receive the system message:- "You are not the owner!" It most certainly *does* belong to me, and it has always been bound to this char.

The only differences I'm able to discern are that my affected char, Lady Vix, has recently Knighted Justice Virtue and has also acquired a Felucca champ spawn title, specifically "Spite of Evil." My thoughts are that it's entirely possible this particular talisman no longer recognises me because of the titular change.

I also have an "Owned by" talisman of bandage summoning which *is* still functioning correctly, so the issue is specifically with this particular vorpal bunny summoning talisman (again, which no longer spawns).

On paging in-game, I was referred to UOBugs as I was told that GMs do not support this issue. I've emailed UOBugs directly and thought I'd mention it here & on the Bugs Reporting forum, too.


Is a talsiman of vorpal bunny summoning really rare? i have a few i do believe. I dunno whats wrong with yours; try turning off your monster title, maybe.


call a gm they should be able to fix it.

they sell for about 1-4m but arent generally highly sought after.


Have you xfered on Lady Vix?
i had a similar problem back in 2004 caused by char transfer. My PBD couldnt identify me when i was back from trip.
i think your problem dont depends on if you are lady or not, but your char ID.
hope it will be fixed.


Ooh! Yes, I *have* x-sharded once on this char and it was within the last month!

I never thought it was the Fame/Karma titles, especially since my other owned-by tali is working, the only difference I could think of was the recent addition of Felucca Champ Spawn Title and/or Knighting Justice virtue.

It really didn't occur to me shard-hopping might confuse my tali.

I should mention that my PBD works just fine, it's just this silly tali that I'm so attached to that doesn't recognise me.

I think you've nailed it, TramMoonWalker! Thanks so much - I can suggest it to the GM when I page again.


do you get the chat gump when you login? maybe someone has the same name as you and this whole new bugged system is messing with it


I am chat gump bugged on another char, however, not on this one.

I'll report back once I get a chance to get in-game long enough to page a GM and suggest TramMoonWalker's idea that it's likely to be a char ID issue as the char did x-shard within the last month. I've a feeling that's most likely to be the culprit.


Yay! GM was able to fix my vorpal bunny tali!

I paged again and mentioned I might need a char ID check due to having x-sharded this char. I was 6th in the queue so thought I'd pass the time by doing a little vendor browsing. Within minutes, GM Krenyn very kindly paid me a visit.

After explaining & demonstrating the bugged tali, GM Krenyn said he'd investigate and might be a few minutes. Shortly afterwards, I was asked to equip the tali and it was fixed!

Knowing the good GM likely had far more important matters, I thanked him and named my first new vorpal bunny in his honour.

Thanks to GM Krenyn, to all here, and to TramMoonWalker in particular!


youre welcome.
actually, I should thank you LadyNico, because you remind me about one of my chars PBD has been broken since late 2004!

anyway, its good to know your bunny tali is fixed, and EA/Mythic GM do his job as well.