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(Question) Is Your House On The UO Historical Society List?

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you have a banner in front of your house for having a house that is older than 10 years?
If so kindly contact me for inclusion in an article.

Thanks so much!


Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alouei turned seventy-two yesterday. I think that he is worthy of inclusion on some sort of heritage list.

I wrote his name on a piece of paper with the caption "GREAT HISTORICAL VALUE!" and pinned it on the armoire, he seemed to like that.

Just out of curiosity, Fig, how old are you? I hear claims of immense age, and yet that is seemingly belied by your youthful sprightliness and joie de vivre.
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Stratics Veteran
Well I ain't 72...but I have 4 children...4 grandchildren...(and 3 more in the oven) Bifocals and False teeth...take a guess..lol

Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I ain't 72...but I have 4 children...4 grandchildren...(and 3 more in the oven) Bifocals and False teeth...take a guess..lol
That means little. I knew a lady who had a full set of dentures by the time she was twenty-eight. She ate too many honeycakes and her teeth just rotted straight out of her head. It was awful! Luckily, she was wealthy, so she had a new set carved from pure ivory. There's not really a moral to this story, it is just a thing that happened in my presence.

If you are not even 72, you're hardly "ancient." If you were a fig tree, you'd only be part-grown. Are you a fig tree? You can tell me. I am good at keeping secrets.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*whispers in Lindae's ear* He oft lumbers through the streets with nary a leaf on. He IS a tree.
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Stratics Veteran
Hi Amber,

We have a few houses on the registry. 5 actually. Find me in game or message me here.
I will check off and on!

