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Is Today Really Mesanna's Birthday?

Sara Of Baja

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been hearing a rumor that today is Mesanna's birthday ... so ...

To Mesanna,



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy Birthday! :)

You have 1 veteran reward(s) available. Choose now or cancel?

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Happy birthday if it is. I heard a rumor about it but I thought
it was about Draconi and Mesannas love life being on rocky waters.

(She said she wouldn't name it Draconi)

(Then without warning someone sank Mesannas love boat)


Eyes of Origin

Happy Birthday Mesanna! (if its true hehe) If not, I hope you have a wonderful day anyway :):)


*Ring Ring*

Thank you for calling EA customer support. Your business is blah blah thank you for your money blah blah

(Insert cheap music) <--- God is it hard to put the stones on ur music? ANYWAYS

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Thank you for calling C....... *Low battery*

*Ring Ring*

Thank you for calling EA customer support. Your business is blah blah thank you for your money blah blah

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Thank you for calling Customer Support this is (Beeep) how may I help you?

"Is it Mesannas Birthday?"


"Yes the one who wears the black robe."

"Ummm.... I am looking around the room I don't see a black robe."

"It has gold around the cuffs and hood. Big hooded black robe lady. Can't miss her!"

"Pssst... Cube guy 53. Do you know a Mesanna?"

CS Cube Guy 53

"I am sorry sir I cannot help you."

"I just want to know if its Mesannas FRICKEN BIRTHDAY!"

"I am sorry sir you seem like a stalker." *Click*

Happy Birthday!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy Birthday if it is indeed your birthday. If not, happy belated or early birthday!


UO Producer | Dark OverLady
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all, that was very sweet! Passes out Birthday Cake to everyone.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even if it wasn't your birthday today, Happy Non-Birthday! Like in Alice in Wonderland. If it is, Well Happy B-Day anyways gosh darn it!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy belated birthday Mesanna! Hope you had a great one. :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Ring Ring*

Thank you for calling EA customer support. Your business is blah blah thank you for your money blah blah

(Insert cheap music) <--- God is it hard to put the stones on ur music? ANYWAYS

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Thank you for calling C....... *Low battery*

*Ring Ring*

Thank you for calling EA customer support. Your business is blah blah thank you for your money blah blah

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Please hold the line and the next available CS will be with you shortly.

(Insert cheap music)

Thank you for calling Customer Support this is (Beeep) how may I help you?

"Is it Mesannas Birthday?"


"Yes the one who wears the black robe."

"Ummm.... I am looking around the room I don't see a black robe."

"It has gold around the cuffs and hood. Big hooded black robe lady. Can't miss her!"

"Pssst... Cube guy 53. Do you know a Mesanna?"

CS Cube Guy 53

"I am sorry sir I cannot help you."

"I just want to know if its Mesannas FRICKEN BIRTHDAY!"

"I am sorry sir you seem like a stalker." *Click*

Happy Birthday!

Happy Brithday Mesaanna