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Is this the Action of a King?



Message from Lord Casca

“For disobeying my direct orders, and putting at risk many volunteers of the Royal Guard, I hearby sentence the Royal Recruitment Officer of the Guard, Lord Markett, to death!”

-Lord Casca

From the reports that I have recieved Lord Markett followed Lord Casca's orders to the letter.
This was my message to Lord Casca;

"This is not the action of a King.
This is an expression of a Tyrant!
Lord Markett followed your orders to the letter and now you punish him with death for disobeying your direct orders?
I challenge you Lord Casca to explain before the High Court of the realm what action Lord Markett took that would constitute a violation of your direct orders.
A King protects his people from that which would bring them harm.
A King does not order the Royal Guard to stand down when good citizens are in peril.
Trinsic shall never support a Tyrant.
I question your motives,I question your loyalty and I question your sanity."

It is my intention to bring this challenge to the attention of the High Council at next Monday's meeting along with some other issues that I wish resolved regarding this Lord Casca.
How many others are there that have reservations regarding this "self appointed" new King?
I would expect that Lord Casca shall make himself available at this upcoming meeting to respond in public to the good citizens of the realm.

Governor of Trinsic