I have this suspiscion that something is not right here. My fencer/paly with 120 fencing, tactics, anat and 90ish chiv...fighting fan dancers, which to my understanding are weak to daemon slayers.
Here is what's wrong, Using normal weapon with 50% DI, I do between 20 and 30 damage. I switch to slayer and do 30 to 42 damage. I use EoO and I do (here's the confusion) 35 to 46 damage. I toss on consecrate weapon and do 42 to 45 damage. Has something been tweaked? using Captain Quacklebush's cutlass as the normal weapon and the daemon slayer from museum turn-ins as my slayer. Just seems odd that I'm doing equal or less damage with my chiv spells then without. Am I broken?
Here is what's wrong, Using normal weapon with 50% DI, I do between 20 and 30 damage. I switch to slayer and do 30 to 42 damage. I use EoO and I do (here's the confusion) 35 to 46 damage. I toss on consecrate weapon and do 42 to 45 damage. Has something been tweaked? using Captain Quacklebush's cutlass as the normal weapon and the daemon slayer from museum turn-ins as my slayer. Just seems odd that I'm doing equal or less damage with my chiv spells then without. Am I broken?