Please refer to the latest Meet & Greet:
Mesanna: lol
Al son of Al: so i got a question for the head lady
Mesanna: guess thats me then
Al son of Al: and its about wbb on EU
Al son of Al: when u gonna fix it or finish it
Mesanna: I would rather delete it
But she did not delete the bank deco. Because players complained on the forums the Devs read. The one where you have to be paying to give your opinion and changes affect those players.
She wants each beginning shard of Sosaria to be the same. But she compromised because the players wanted to keep their deco. But she says she wants no more. You complain when they answer questions and if you don't like the answers you complain. But I have never seen you post on the Test center shard to give feedback on possible new items. The devs change things on TC before they are released. Whether you know they do or not. Ask
@Anon McDougle about his top hat.
Sometimes she adds her roleplay to UO. Many players miss role play in UO. She is The Queen. She can do what she wants. UO like all games, are dictatorships.
Do you go to restaurants over and over that you hate the food?
If you dont like the dishes at a restaurant. Do you go tell the cook that he needs different recipes.
I would not keep returning to a restaurant that has no food I like. Why are posters returning to UO and giving opinions about a game that is 10,000% different than 5 years ago. And they have no idea that it is. But they say the devs do nothing.