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Is this a bug?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Clearly, my dex and stamina are at 125
Why is it reading it as 120 and 124?
Or did I lose my brain?



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
did you try log out and back in? ive seen this issue before, and i just postponed leveling that pet for a day and it fixed, didn't want to try and see what would happen if i just proceeded for fear of losing out on a few necessary points.


Stratics Veteran
Clearly, my dex and stamina are at 125
Why is it reading it as 120 and 124?
Or did I lose my brain?

View attachment 77920
View attachment 77921
It's not a bug, you are misunderstanding how training points apply.

Dex is 10 dex for 1 point. So if you have 120-129 dex it will use the same 1 point to raise it, so it reads as 120 for anything from 120-129

Stam is 2 stam for one point, same thing, it's will even down, because it uses the same 1 point to raise if you have 124 or 125. Mana and int work the same way if they are odd numbers.

Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense, at work and Siri autocorrect owns me.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Khaelor beat me to it. I agree with them.
I just look at it as a rounding issue and accept it. If I’m not mistaken you’ll see something similar with mana and int as well (when those are odd numbered, like 281 mana as an example).