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Is there going to be an Artisan festival this year or is the Forest thing instead?


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Is there going to be an Artisan festival this year or is the Forest thing instead?

My chars can't fight well at champ fights so can't earn rewards there but can fill BOD's!!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Yes they said there will be an Artisan Festival so start hoarding your BODs to turn in.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Start hoarding? Ya'll should have been hoarding since January ;)

Remember it takes roughly 250 large bods to grow a tree, there are 9 trees in total.

So around 2250 large bods OR 45637863148631848637 small ones ;)

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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One person on Baja has done enough large Bods to get the tree to the top level in all cities. She's Baja's Angel.:heart:Someone should interview her. That's amazing dedication.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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One person on Baja has done enough large Bods to get the tree to the top level in all cities. She's Baja's Angel.:heart:Someone should interview her. That's amazing dedication.

On Great Lakes it's Shandara... and she's a dear...


I have several GM crafters (5, I think) and have gathered a decent number of BODs - but not nearly enough for all cities.

Can anyone share tips on how to acquire more large BODs? The only approach I can see is to complete BODs as fast as possible, and turn them in for more BODs. I did this with fletching, and my large BOD return rate was about 5%. I turned in roughly 50 small BODs, and got 48 more smalls and 2 larges. Is there a better way to acquire more larges? I've checked vendor search and no one is selling BODs at all on on LS (well, one BOD is for sale total).

Any advice you can offer is appreciate.


I Hate Skilling
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I have several GM crafters (5, I think) and have gathered a decent number of BODs - but not nearly enough for all cities.

Can anyone share tips on how to acquire more large BODs? The only approach I can see is to complete BODs as fast as possible, and turn them in for more BODs. I did this with fletching, and my large BOD return rate was about 5%. I turned in roughly 50 small BODs, and got 48 more smalls and 2 larges. Is there a better way to acquire more larges? I've checked vendor search and no one is selling BODs at all on on LS (well, one BOD is for sale total).

Any advice you can offer is appreciate.
Yes turn in smalls that are not used in larges. When you put them on the tree they do not count as a turn in to get another. I have junk books of tinker, alchemy and cooking if you want to get larges in those. Our BOD maker quit playing a few years ago.


Also, a follow-up question:

Do all large BODs count the same toward the tree's progress, or are they based on the turn-in point value? I can get a 2-item large fletching BOD, or a 6-item large blacksmithing BOD. Do they both count the same?

Just trying to understand how to help grow the trees in the best way possible .


I Hate Skilling
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Also, a follow-up question:

Do all large BODs count the same toward the tree's progress, or are they based on the turn-in point value? I can get a 2-item large fletching BOD, or a 6-item large blacksmithing BOD. Do they both count the same?

Just trying to understand how to help grow the trees in the best way possible .
Tree points are bank points. Thats why you need to use larges to make the tree get a star. If it has a star, then you can put smalls on from all your toons and get a gift.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Thought the tree used bank points for growth? Are you sure on that Larisa?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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No you are correct, I will correct that.

It's 2% and 20% of the full value... I had to go back and re-read that.

From the uo.com wiki page:


The 2% and 20% is what threw me, math is not my strong point :/

So this BOD would give 70 points toward tree growth.



Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yeah just don't understand why they worded it like they did. They should have just said Banked Points and not added the 2% and 20% cus that threw me :/


UO Forum Moderator
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Weapons larges and cloth outfit larges are actually fairly useful in this regard. You can fill them relatively easily. The only catching point is that some of the footwear smalls are hard to find (since the 4 footwear smalls are the only BODs in the system that fit more than one Large (They fit in THREE larges: The Footwear large, and two outfits; for example, Sandals fit both Fisher and Lady; Thigh Boots fit both Gypsy and Town Crier)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Yeah just don't understand why they worded it like they did. They should have just said Banked Points and not added the 2% and 20% cus that threw me :/
Yeah that % sign has been shown to mess up 7 out of every 5 people


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yeah that % sign has been shown to mess up 7 out of every 5 people
Almost made me spray my monitor with coffee on that one....my youngest is doing algebra and she actually has the nerve to ask me for help!

This BOD thing is comfuzzling! ;)

I just fill a LOT of smalls for this event because I never get the smalls to fill the larges I have. OR I get like 20 of the SAME large and only have the smalls to fill a few...halberd smalls are my enemy. I have probably about 12 or so large weapon bods that ALL need a small Halberd bod. I have 6 toons collecting BOD's...SIX! You would think that eventually one of them would get a halberd BOD? Oh nooo...that would be to easy!

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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DevilsOwn did almost enough to do every tree on Legends a couple years ago. We found it easier to just bribe em all up to max...and didnt fool (after a little frustration) with anything but scribe, tailor, and smith bods... too many of the others wont bribe right, or never can bribe one to match the Large. etc.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Do you get to claim a reward for turning it in ?

On an unfinished tree, efveryone who turned done in gets a chance for prizes, per bod turned in, kinda like buying a lottery ticket.
IF the tree is full and complete, then everyone who turns in any bod at all, gets a prize.


On an unfinished tree, efveryone who turned done in gets a chance for prizes, per bod turned in, kinda like buying a lottery ticket.
IF the tree is full and complete, then everyone who turns in any bod at all, gets a prize.
Sorry I meant do you still get to claim a reward for the bod as if you turned it in at a normal NPC. Example shadow runic


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry I meant do you still get to claim a reward for the bod as if you turned it in at a normal NPC. Example shadow runic
No you have to give BODs to the elf at the tree for them to count for the tree and the gift. You get a chance at a gift if tree does not have a star. But the artisan BODs do not get BOD rewards.


Babbling Loonie
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DevilsOwn did almost enough to do every tree on Legends a couple years ago. We found it easier to just bribe em all up to max...and didnt fool (after a little frustration) with anything but scribe, tailor, and smith bods... too many of the others wont bribe right, or never can bribe one to match the Large. etc.
I find cooking and alchemy the easiest, tailor next - toughest are tinkering & smith, because of the material types to go through. I really do not like the bribing system, and if I'm paying to bribe a bod, I'd like to have a choice about which part I'm bribing. There's no logic to the damn thing.
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Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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I find cooking and alchemy the easiest, tailor next - toughest are tinkering & smith, because of the material types to go through. I really do not like the bribing system, and if I'm paying to bribe a bod, I'd like to have a choice about which part I'm bribing. There's no logic to the damn thing.

There's a big old truth to this, one of the reasons I quit it. If ya need it to go exceptional, it will go to the next level of ore instead. lol
If ya need to to stay where it is and just go from 15 to 20, it will go exceptional.
No rhyme or reason. And if you say anything to them about it, you get the "maybe possibly thats a good idea we might look at that" response. Altho at one time Mesanna did just come out and say they were not going to work on bod system again.

Just another system introduced that had super great potential, but fell short because as usual it was half-assed


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You just have to be smarter then the system. For me it works about 95% of the time.

Like yesterday, I went to fill a 15 normal horned leather armor BOD.

I had all but 2 of the smalls for it, cap and gorget.

I only had 2 each in spined so I grabbed a few in regular leather, 10's and 15's.

Usually I work with the lower ones, so filling 10's isn't easy BUT

A 10 normal will go up by stages MOST of the time so a 10 Normal Spined went to a 10 exp, then to a 10 normal horned, up to a 15
Sometimes it will skip a stage which is why I use regular leather BOD's too so regular 10's will jump to 15's in spined before hitting horned.

Same for Smith BOD's, if I need a Shadow 20 I'll grab iron and dull copper smalls that are one step below what I need.

It's not 100% but it's pretty darn close....I just don't like bribing....takes too much time lol I just wanna fill the darn BOD and move on!


UO Forum Moderator
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At least with tailor BODs, it's fairly easy to bribe.

All you need for footwear BODs (to fill the otherwise cheap to fill cloth BODs) is to get the footwear to 20 (usually EX) regardless of the material. For the other larges, the smalls tend to be so common that at worst you'd need only 6 bribes (1 quality, 2 count, 3 material) to get a regular leather 10 normal to 20 EX barbed - but with 3-5 BOD runners I've found you'll usually have huge numbers of BODs for that part only needing 1 or 2 bribes.
And, with the sheer number of tailor smalls, 2/3 of which are normal (unlike all other systems where half the BODs are exceptional when possible), you can often take 3-5 of the same BOD to bribe up, and luck into getting the rare bribe (instead of more common material raise) - and someone will certainly still be looking for the ones that don't give you the result you want.


Babbling Loonie
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As Uriah said - the system is half assed. It annoys me cos it doesn't need to be that way. And fishing should've been included, cos it's pretty much the same thing. It would at least allow a choice out of the eleventy billion different baits etc.

The mental snag list I have is as long as both my arms and then some...