You see...
There once was this red dragon, who wasn't all that bright. Seems he rolled a bit low with the Evil Lord RNG and hit the bottom of the barrel with the intelligence.
One day this not so bright dragon was hungry, and since there were no eager, new to the craft warriors around, he decided to eat some coal to help with his tartar control, and to hopefully improve his fire breath. Well, since he wasn't all that bright, when he happened upon a pile of tasty black coal, he didn't think anything of the few pieces that burned like cinnamon when he ate them. To his thinking (after all, he really wasn't all that bright...) he'd happened upon a new flavor of coal, and he rather liked it, and ate it every time he happened upon it, liking the cinnamony taste.
Our friend, the not so bright dragon, finally grew to an adult (which is a story all in itself how he managed to survive). He was out one day, looking for his favorite cinnamony rock, when he happened upon a young lady dragon, who also was "not all that bright", and was also out looking for her favorite cinnamony tasting rock. Needless to say, they instantly discovered they had much in common (both liking the cinnamon rock and both being "not all that bright"), and fell in love with each other almost immediately.
One thing led to another (even "not all that bright" dragons have animal instincts ya know
) and our young lady dragon was ready to lay her very first dragon egg. The big day came, and our young lady, after much discomfort, finally laid her egg, but had commented at the time that "that one burned coming out". They both looked with glee upon their glorious offspring to be, and didn't think aything of the fact that the egg was a charcoal color, instead of one of the normal colors like green, red or brown. But alas, they both were not so bright, so the thought never occurred to them that something might be amiss.
Needless to say, the rest is history. Our little charcoal colored egg hatched, and not that it's any surprise, the baby dragon was smarter than both parents together right from the egg, but was also well endowed. Well endowed indeed he was, with massive strength, high intelligence, nimbleness never seen before in the likes of dragonkin, and was able to cast spells like nobody's business.
Our tiny friend realized right from the start that he was much smarter than his parents, and decided that for his own safety (they really were dumb as dirt) he would be better off moving out immediately and raising himself before his parents could do something undragonlike, and end up causing him an untimely death at the hands of idiots.
The rest of the tale is best left for another day.....