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Is there a faster way to train magic skills?


Got my pet across a water obstacle casting at enemies on the other side. He's Disco'd. (Whispering Mastery activated as I can)

Working mysticism skill.

Any faster way to raise the magic skills on pets?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's a grind any way you do it. I prefer to NOT disco them, as that lowers med/focus and thus the regen abilities of the pet.


Crazed Zealot
Would try both ways and compare, time skill gain each time and see for yourself..it may vary from magic to magic skill, and pet type. Cannot make safe assumptions otherwise I guess..


Crazed Zealot
For example, both Hiyu types have crazy fast natural manna regen, and may not need as much med/focus as other pets, that would make them ideal for discorded state magic skill gain the way you describe, with greatly increased gains as compared to Cusidhes and all mares and beetles..Again would try both ways and test gain skill rate discoed and undiscoed.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Some Magic’s are just painfully slow to get gains, typically above 110. I discorded my fire steed that I was training to 120 spellweaving once she was above 105 and it did help. But I also gave the steed time to regen mana before I used a whisper too.