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Is stat loss buged?

  • Thread starter Green Meanie
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Green Meanie

tonight for sure but other nights ive seen this happen too. I killed ppl 1 time with a pet 2 times with a weapon. All 3 times the person came back not in stat. how do i know? well the mages its ez no mage in stat is going to flame strike me for 35+ and never fizzle it. Very few tamers have the stack jewlery to controll the greater dragon while in stat non that i know of have anofe for 100% controll (this person it may have been the rdm num gen favoring them but sure didnt seem like it). And a dexer in stat never failing to para me with nerve strike and hitting me probly about 20 times over the corse of are short fight when i have 55 dci and 120 bush/parry?

Not only is it this but im not getting the you recieve or to recient message after killing them only justice and insurance.

While were at it Why is it i can have 1 char on a account die log that char in on my laptop to sit out stat get on a char from a diffrent account die and the second char come out of stat first?

Tina Small

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While were at it Why is it i can have 1 char on a account die log that char in on my laptop to sit out stat get on a char from a diffrent account die and the second char come out of stat first?
You have to actually be logged on with the character for the 20 minutes of skill loss to expire. If you dallied around logging onto the laptop with the first character that died and the second character died almost immediately after logging in, I can see how the second character just might get out of skill loss first.

Very few tamers have the stack jewlery to controll the greater dragon while in stat non that i know of have anofe for 100% controll (this person it may have been the rdm num gen favoring them but sure didnt seem like it).
Let's look at the tamer situation. If the tamer has 120 real taming and 120 real lore, those should each drop to 80 in skill loss. Put on jewelry, the Birds of Britannia talisman, and the Mark of Travesty with taming and lore skill bumps on all of them and yes, you probably could have a very good amount of control over a greater dragon. I'm sure you can come up with similar skill-enhancing items for mages and dexxers. It would be expensive and time-consuming to get your hands on all these things, but doable with effort. The character would probably still be noticeably low in some skills for the duration of the 20 minutes.

Fortunately, not everyone who plays in factions wants to put that much effort and gold into figuring out how to fight throughout the skill loss period. Some folks actually use the time to restock and refresh themselves before coming back.

Green Meanie

the mage was wearing his -20 weapon so i doubt he has +35magery +30 eval 2/6 casting jewlery. The tamer i admited it was possible but it sure didnt seem like he was in stat loss he was wearing his blood wood darkwood suit.
and the dexer?

what about no message about getting kill points?

the 1 char comming out of stat faster than another im gonna say nay too went in stat immedatly loged him in on lap top came back to desk top loged in 2nd char

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Well, the only one of your questions I can answer without first hand knowledge is the one about not getting kill points. You don't automatically get kill points every time you kill an enemy faction character. You don't get points if the enemy character is in deficit for kill points or if your character killed it too recently to get kill points from it. You'll get a message on screen and in your journal in either situation, but you might not have noticed it in the middle of a fight. The message you get if they are in deficit says something about the other character being too insignificant for you to earn points or something else that is equally demeaning.

On every occasion where I've been kind of watching the clock waiting to get out of skill loss, it's been a consistent twenty minutes from the time of death to when I see the "Thy spirit hath recovered!" message (assuming no log out).

If you think the faction skill loss timer and skill loss in general is buggy, then submit a bug report here: http://www.uoherald.com/feedback/index.php.

Green Meanie

i sent a message to the bug reporting and i know you dont always get points but you always get a message. It is possible i missed the message for 2 of the kills but on the dexer i defantly noticed the you have recieved justice and the xgold for insurance message with the lack of you have gained honor for slaying so and so message.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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you dont get insurance for killing someone with a pet.