Here Siege Perilous is the one and only pvp server and its pretty much dead compared to the other shards. Kinda sad really, you'd expect a shard like siege would be one of the busier shards given how much fun pvp is and that its the only pvp server... i guess people really like item insurance and don't like losing their gear though.
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Siege isn't like the PvP server you find in other games... first, you don't get access to it until you've renounced your young status or have lost it naturally. By that time, people don't want to start all over because a server they'd prefer to play popped up, out of the blue... that they probably never even knew about (and probably still don't since not all read stratics.)
Then you have RoT which is just one more reason why people don't want to join Siege... if you received ALL of your gains in RoT (nevermind getting TO RoT) it would take you at least 4-6 months to complete your character.
You spend the first 3 months of that process as pretty much cannon fodder to anyone with a developed char... only to add to the forced upon you newbiness and frustration that ensues.
The way the shard is set up is in a way that suffocates itself from real growth.
We've been trying to get the Dev team to take notice of this problem and fix it for us... because I can't tell you how many people I know of that want to play Siege... but, simply do not want to deal with the headache it takes just to actually experience it.
There... now you should understand.