"I think that now one must keep in mind that the boats are a 125/400 box, that will make them rather ... limited for storing things."
The GM of the RP guild posted here that he had over 100 boats docked around the time of the val hammer dupes last year.
He posted here asking why his "Brit Fleet" had been deleted.
(Being in possession of 30 or more Val hammers around the time of post asking about was grounds for having your account banned and house deleted.)
100 boats x 125 item storage = 12,500 free item storage
2 and 1/2 castles worth
Or about 3 keeps full
or about 5 18 x 18 houses worth of items.
Difference is the house storage MUST be paid for at least every 90 days, the boat storage NEVER.
How much is EA losing in subscription fees because boat storage is free and a player can just use one account and a script to keep 125 items each on an infinite number of boats without ever paying EA one cent to store them?
In an example of the RP guild's GMs 100 cargo boats he has kept refreshed for at least a a year and a half:
2 x $12.99 x 6 (pay every 90 days for a year and a half) if the storage is in 2 hard to get castles
3 x $12.99 x 6 (pay every 90 days for a year and a half) for 5 keeps
5 x $12.99 x 6 (pay every 90 days for a year and a half) x 18 houses which are easier to get for the average player
I would never keep valuables on a shop because I tend to forget to refresh one boat, much less many.
But, like you said, there are scripts that do all the refreshing while the boat owner sleeps.
The 125 item limit doesn't really limit anything when you can possess an unlimited amount of boats and have it requires no labor on your part to maintain them, you can simply sleep while a script refreshes them every few days to prevent them from sinking.
I use a couple of boats on a few shards to store stuff because the guild I belong to likes to play on several shards and we share houses. That means I don't have the luxury of taking up ALL of a house's storage for my own crazy ideas, like growing plants or stashing stuff to unravel or enhance or collecting the pottery and scroll fragments my tamer collects and my crafter turns in for loyalty points. I also use them to store the stupid paragon loot drops that don't stack.
I also like to make characters on shards where I know I'll never have a house. Even with expanded bank storage, it's still not enough when I want to save LRC or high resist looted pieces to give to my other newbie characters on the shard to make up suits.
I really resent the implication that EVERYONE who uses a boat or several boats on a shard is cheating in some way. And the day that EA decides every boat that's out there needs to sink.....well, that's the day I'll probably say I've paid them enough of my money. Had it happen already on Origin when they messed up boat access and it took them over a week to fix it.
I try to not store anything on the boats that I can't stand to lose. But if some crusader comes along and convinces EA all boat owners are guilty just because SHE says they are, I'm done.
And don't forget when you're doing your fancy calculations that the boat storage has a weight limit of 400. Even if you can store 125 items, they have to be fairly lightweight items. If you want to store 125 pieces of looted junk to give your artificer to embue, they can't all consist of stone armor and stone weapons. The stuff's too darn heavy.
And if you think I'm lying....just PM me and I'll take you to all my boats on LS, Yamato, and LA. You can poke through all the junk in the holds of all the boats and see how valuable it all is. Probably couldn't sell the whole lot for more than 100k if I wanted to.