I would prefer they make armour less ugly, lessening the need for robes.
One way to accomplish this would be to allow armour to change graphics using an NPC gold sink. Studded arms could become plate arms, a plate do could become a leather tunic, etc. None of the properties would change but the graphic used. If you had a plate tunic it won't suddenly be mage armour by making it appear to be a leather tunic, for example. Hopefully this would encourage people to improve the look of their mismatched gear without sacrificing their beloved properties. But then, if we all had the same tastes then there'd be no complaints about neons.
Still, robes will be worn and sashes will be hidden.. not sure it's a wise idea to begin swapping the clothes layering about. Where would it end? Maybe they could introduce an over-the-robe sash for that toga look, would take either the apron or quiver slot though. Just depends where you want to make your choices.