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Is anyone in the WoW beta for Mists of Pandaria


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey there.

Is anyone from the community playing the beta for Mists of Pandaria? If you are, and you'd like to share your experiences while it's ongoing, send me a PM. I'd like to write up an article to go on our front page from someone's experiences inside Stratics. Thanks!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Been waiting on my Invite, sorta mad since they doing the Pass invites in waves but ill let ya know whatever i find whenever i get my invite.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great Bazer. If you're up to it, try contacting Blizzard and tell them you're with Stratics. If they don't know who we are, tell them we've had a portal running with news and ads on it for their game since it released. Tell them we're going to feature a story about your experiences in the beta on our front page. They're letting in guys with blogs, and we've got a whole website. That might get you a beta key a little sooner :)

Eyes of Sosaria

Great Bazer. If you're up to it, try contacting Blizzard and tell them you're with Stratics. If they don't know who we are, tell them we've had a portal running with news and ads on it for their game since it released. Tell them we're going to feature a story about your experiences in the beta on our front page. They're letting in guys with blogs, and we've got a whole website. That might get you a beta key a little sooner :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello Eyes of Sosaria,

Bazer and I have communicated via PM's about this and Blizzard never responded to his e-mails. If he gets an invite and notifies me and shares his experiences I will still feature the story on the front page as a "Stratics Exclusive" article. Thanks.