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Is anyone experiencing constant deadly poison while fighting Serado the Awakened?



I have been finding problems with this champ's deadly poison ability on my home shard, Oceania:

1. He constantly deadly posions my mage, it seems as if there is a bug where everyone AUTOMATICALLY is deadly poisoned. All I can seem to get on him are 2 EV's at the start and he seems to work through those at an alarming rate.

2. Regarding the above deadly posion effect, I spend FAR too much time being dead and waiting for resurrection while 2-3 Greater Dragons take him down far too easily (I really don't care about that though.) and I have no time at all to do any spell damage to him. I thought a Champion was supposed to be a challenge, not the poisonous snake I'm up against right now?

Is there anything a mage/spellweaver can do to survive against deadly poison?

Cheers ...


Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whoa, that IS a bug...

It's supposed to be lethal poison, isn't it?

(In case you don't realise this, bulk poisoning/damaging everyone is one of his moves. He's supposed to do that).

I can only recommend getting yourself an Arctic Ogre Lord and sending that in. Remember that Arch Cure is an area spell (sit in a group of players), and Protection will allow you to cast through the damage.


Whoa, that IS a bug...

It's supposed to be lethal poison, isn't it?

(In case you don't realise this, bulk poisoning/damaging everyone is one of his moves. He's supposed to do that).

I can only recommend getting yourself an Arctic Ogre Lord and sending that in.
Uhh, yeah it is lethal poison.

But it really sucks - he is busy lethally poisoning everyone, and a couple of greater dragons make short work of him. I thought a champ is supposed to be more like Lord Oaks, who is really a challenge for any template to do.

Cheers ...



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uhh, yeah it is lethal poison.

But it really sucks - he is busy lethally poisoning everyone, and a couple of greater dragons make short work of him. I thought a champ is supposed to be more like Lord Oaks, who is really a challenge for any template to do.

Cheers ...

The constant poison is what makes him a challenge.

If there wasn't twenty people attacking him, then I could share a couple of good tactics to get you through the fight apart from "Just carry cure potions."

But with things as they are this month, you only need a couple of cures per fight. So carry the pots.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Every time your EV hits him, he is Poisoning you. I found it much easier to sit & do Flamestrike shots, Ebolts, or Lightning running in & out,hardly get poisoned. If I had to compare getting poisoned casting EV to reg spells, about 1/2 or better chance of Not getting Poisoned by casting reg spells for me.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's his ability. Be prepared to cast arch cure ALOT or carry greater cure potions. Simple as that.


I was going to ask the same thing. Can't you just eat some petals?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there anything a mage/spellweaver can do to survive against deadly poison?

Cheers ...

As a mage/spellweaver as soon as the boss spawns, make sure you have gift of life cast, cast attune weapon, cast gift of renewal and arcane empowerment. Have arch cure on a macro with target cursor. Make sure your own bar is visible to cast arch cure on when needed.

As you have renewal on etc you will get poisoned but will not loose life immediately giving you time to get a cure off if needed. You should have an arcane focus up to improve your weaving strength preferabley a 5 (6 from the circ at wbb). Even if you cast nothing but word of death once the boss is on 1/3rd or less life as your only spell you should do enough dmg to get rights.


I was going to ask the same thing. Can't you just eat some petals?
Petals do not work on lethal or deadly poison (or greater if I am not mistaken?) They only work on lower level poisons, same with Vamp form

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
As you have renewal on etc you will get poisoned but will not loose life immediately giving you time to get a cure off if needed.
The area attack in concern actually damages as well as poisons. I typically get hit for something like 25-30 by it (~65 poison resist, 70 energy). Not sure if it's energy or poison damage (you'll see yourself get hit by a lightening bolt when it goes off).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe you should use another char for this champ?
I´m using my chiv necro archer, and she does fine.
With vamp form, bandies and curse weapon I seldom die, and the damage output I have is ok too.


The area attack in concern actually damages as well as poisons. I typically get hit for something like 25-30 by it (~65 poison resist, 70 energy). Not sure if it's energy or poison damage (you'll see yourself get hit by a lightening bolt when it goes off).
Actually he hits with two separate attacks, one is the lightning attack and one is poison, you can be hit with the lightning only when so close but the poison attack has a greater range, it is the same poison attack that normal Yamadons posses if I am not mistaken, and then that mass lightning attack.


Wait for GDS to grab his atention and spam couple EVS which prety much guarantees you loot rights.Then just start precasting Arch Cure followed by mini heals then precast arch cure again and so on


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The area attack in concern actually damages as well as poisons. I typically get hit for something like 25-30 by it (~65 poison resist, 70 energy). Not sure if it's energy or poison damage (you'll see yourself get hit by a lightening bolt when it goes off).

Sure but gift of renewal restores life quicker than the poison and initial damage can kill you. I play a sw/mage as my main, have done for years and on the sleeping dragon spawn I generally score anywhere between 2-8 tots or combination of tots/sots etc.

Most is gained in levels 1/2 using essence of wind. Level 3 generally using essence, chain lightning, and eq, level 4 same, boss the odd ebolt/flame strike but mainly word of death. I do around 4-600 dmg on wod depending on circ level and how many I get off on it. Basically you can get rights just waiting til wod is effective and if you cast gift of renewal and arcane empowerment just prior to casting wod you should be fine.

I just tried an arctic (about 10 mins ago) and while they are effective against the boss you do need to heal to keep it alive, tho this does not get you targeted, but it is rather a pain getting one to keep the timing right, don't wont it too early as the oni/hiryu spawn can get too large, nor too late as you may be late for the party. A bit of a non event imo, better off just hanging and getting in a few wods.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He only poisons you if you're hurting him when at a distance (with spells, potions, tameables/summons, archery, or DoT abilities). Try standing next to him when you cast. :p


Great advice here for the champ, stand close, cast, heal through lightning, carry a bunch of greater cure pots and leave a hand free.


The spawn is dumb a Oni is harder then the champ and the birds have more HP. I have to agree tho about 2 evs and the entire rest of the time is spent casting greater cure - pretty pointless if ya ask me. The pigments are a joke as well what am I to do with a thousand 1 charge pigments that look like a buncha colors someone picked out of a chunk of yak?

I hope it gets fixed also that there is a better set of events and items seems all this is doing is promoting people on tamers to go to the Dojo and hide all night long.

Anyways the spawn needs fixed I think it should be more like a spider spawn the fact is the champ dies easier then a sprite :/

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been finding problems with this champ's deadly poison ability on my home shard, Oceania:

1. He constantly deadly posions my mage, it seems as if there is a bug where everyone AUTOMATICALLY is deadly poisoned. All I can seem to get on him are 2 EV's at the start and he seems to work through those at an alarming rate.

2. Regarding the above deadly posion effect, I spend FAR too much time being dead and waiting for resurrection while 2-3 Greater Dragons take him down far too easily (I really don't care about that though.) and I have no time at all to do any spell damage to him. I thought a Champion was supposed to be a challenge, not the poisonous snake I'm up against right now?

Is there anything a mage/spellweaver can do to survive against deadly poison?

Cheers ...

Here is a tip.. I've tried telling people at the spawn several times...

Don't cast EVs..

Anytime you do damage, be it spells, melee, EVs, pets - he rolls a chance to leathal poison you.

Cast spells, and cure inbetween.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I've used a couple of pally archers and they've only died a couple of times to Serado. One of them even had one of the pink futons in her pack when she rezzed, so I guess she wasn't doing that awful with causing damage (she managed to mortal Serado before anyone else did damage but died not long after.) Cleanse by Fire (and healing with bandages) works reasonably well with healing the poison and my archers usually manage to cure the poisoning for some of the characters around them before the champ is defeated.

King Frankie

just drink a weak poison potion when he spawns the poison dont stack afaik? if you already are poisoned you wont suffer from the lethal poison just your own homemade brew...