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Is a 4 slot Greater Dragon any good?


Stratics Veteran
I miss having a Greater Dragon in my stable. Was wondering if it is worth spending the time to find a 4 slot GD and training them to 5 slot?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No... 1501 points is not enaught to make him competitive vs lesser hiryu or plat and crimson drakes.

The only thing i think might go in its favor is overcapped wrestling... But find a 120 and more wrestling 4 slot is.... Not worth it.... Dont even know if its possible.


If you come across one with 120 wrestling, tactics, magic resist, and magery.... it could make a pretty nice pet. Personally, I’ve never seen a 4-slotter that nice. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist but when people want 20-30 million for a mediocre 4-slotter, I shutter to think of the cost of a really nice one. With the high skills in place, you could shore up resists, add MR, and add some HP. Unfortunately the one level up doesn’t give you a lot of wiggle room.

I’m waiting for the legacy dragons to become 100% stable and then I plan to build a nice one for each of my tamers. Those give you a lot to work with and should scratch my dragon itch!