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[Fishing] is 120 necessary to catch blue marlin

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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I caught a two Blue Marlins (without bait) at somewhere between 110-115 Fishing skill. Legendary Fishing (120) is not required, but I do not know if GM is sufficient.

Stayin Alive,


DreadLord Lestat

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I believe it is 105 minimum skill to catch a blue marlin.


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I believe it is 105 minimum skill to catch a blue marlin.
I'm going to correct you on that, as the main maintainer o'fish these days; 105 is the minimum it was reported to UOGuide at, but no one has reported any catch-levels since High Seas went live. It's possible perhaps at a lower amount, as you can see there's one other Legendary reported at 92.2, but it's not known for sure where the actual minimum for Marlin will truly be.

I would wait until 120, full fishing suit and bait for any Legendary however, as the odds below and without that for Legendary are staggering, maybe 1 in 1000. On the other hand, the Marlin is a Trammel fish and you will probably spend most of your time fishing there, so you shouldn't feel you need to rush to 120 if you just want that one fish type... if it doesn't come after about 50 hours of fishing (my Legendary were 4-30 hours per target at 120) then think about raising the skill.


Slightly Crazed
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well. i have 100 blue marlin bait and gm fishing. could get hold of a suit. wondering if i have to goto 105.

Sinder Shayde

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Not to discourage you but it is not easy catching those legendary fish. Even at 120 skill and the fishing suit!!

I myself have yet to catch one and I am a 120 skill. I swear that bait doesn't work !!

Keep trying and best of luck *to us both* ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not to discourage you but it is not easy catching those legendary fish. Even at 120 skill and the fishing suit!!

I myself have yet to catch one and I am a 120 skill. I swear that bait doesn't work !!

Keep trying and best of luck *to us both* ;)
The suit didn't give the bonus until the last patch; it does work now, but 1% increase on 1 in 1000 say will still be tiny :p You notice it more with Rare fish which are much more realistic to catch... You can see me getting 3 Crystal Fish in a row in my guide to fishing the Prism Of Light for instance; but as you've seen Legendary are monsters to chase, so anything which swings the odds in your favour will help, no matter how small.

If you're pushing to 120, Deep Sea is the best place for gains anyway, so save the bait until you're there; the Marlin may turn up out of pity! And if he doesn't, you get the most use out of your bait from the cap.

There is sadly no further trick that I'm aware of; Smelly Marlin bait has never turned up, as far as I know, you just have to grind the Legendaries out with multiple hour sessions.
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UO Forum Moderator
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Here's some irony for those of you that have had trouble with blue marlin - my first special fish was a Blue marlin, even before I caught any of those yellow recipe fish - then didn't catch any other HS mountable fish until I was 120 (and several of them were Blue marlin as well)


Lore Keeper
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I do not know what the actual fishing level is when you can catch them, but have to say that if you start trying at 105 for example, you could get to 200 with a fishing suit and bait before pulling one in lol. Tongue in cheek I know, but I have almost every rare fish, have been fishing daily for a a couple years since attaining 120 fishing and have used well over 1000 blue marlin baits with the suit on. No luck until last week. I needed one more bluefish, threw in my line (without bait or suit) and there she was, a 37 stone blue marlin!! Now if I could just snag a tunnel crab my collection will be on the way to completion. If you have faith in the baits and are on Sonoma, I will gladly donate my stash to you for those rares I have already caught.


Slightly Crazed
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thanks for the advise, insight and help.

i never planned on going to 120. maybe i should rethink this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks for the advise, insight and help.

i never planned on going to 120. maybe i should rethink this.
You only need GM Fishing to get the maximum 1 in 4 chance to summon Charybdis, Osireadon and the Leviathan. It also doesn't affect how many boots you get... The 120 will only matter if you're chasing the Rare/Legendary Fish for a collection.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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As I read this, I wish I'd taken the journey more seriously - the journey to 120 Fisherman that is.... I can't tell you about much of anything I caught on my journey there, because I was pretty much blindly focused on just getting to Legendary Fisherman as quickly as possible.... You know, reading here about the quests and the rewards and the rare fish and dungeon fish - after reading this stuff for months on end just dreaming' of getting a 120 Fishing scroll and finally deciding to just break down and buy one of the damn things (which I did for a quite large amount of gold, actually) - and especially after 14 plus years of active playing - training chars in whatever skill is something that I just get done ASAP, if you know what I mean... I wasn't really caring WHAT I caught, and only kept what was needed for quests that I would finally take after becoming Legendary. A huge amount of the time in training was from fishing up Lobsters - and I have to say, that that was the absolute most boring way to train a skill that I have ever actually decided to do... Problem is - is that you can get gains all the way to Legendary faster with Lobsters than just plain fishing (not that either one could be considered exciting, with the exception of the occasional Serpent, fishing is B.O.R.I.N.G. I mean, even with the fondest memories of sailing the Caribbean no doubt floating around somewhere in the back of my head, a person can only take so much of the exact same scene for hours and hours and hours on end.... Even with the best UOAssist macro's in place, fishing is a real sleeper....)

Anyway, I would like to add to this Blue Marlin thing - because I've caught a bunch of them - like at least 20 or so... In fact, I was just starting to drop them on the floor of Luna bank just to get rid of the smaller ones... I'm sorry but I just wasn't paying attention to what skill I was currently at when the first few were caught.... I wish I had, but oh well... This much I can tell you about catching the Legendary Blue Marlin:

I have never once used any bait.
I have worn the Fisherman suit since the day he made 120 (oh yea, I had that waiting for his ars a week prior).​
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Lore Keeper
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Aye, what is it about this game that makes me spend hours on end on something I honestly hate...... crab fishing? I hate it, it is probably the most boring thing I have ever done, even in real life. I am way past the point that finally nailing a tunnel crab will make it worthwhile (passed that point over a year ago). It was a toss up whether the tunnel crab or the blue marlin would be the final conquest. I have to say, though that fishing has made my UO life better in that I will never have to worry about gold again. I have made over 200 million (without a vendor) just selling the scrolls and charybdis stuff and white nets. If I had set up shop with a crab and lobster vendor, I am sure I would be well on my way to a billion. Let me give the aspiring fisherman a little advice: do not go crab fishing without PINCO'S mod. With that mod, once the crab pots bob, they get a tag bar above them that does not go away. There is a counter on the tag that shows how many crabs the trap holds. You can relax and go pick up the full traps when you are ready and do not have the added stress of watching the traps closely for the bobbing.


Stratics Veteran
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Aye, what is it about this game that makes me spend hours on end on something I honestly hate...... crab fishing? I hate it, it is probably the most boring thing I have ever done, even in real life. I am way past the point that finally nailing a tunnel crab will make it worthwhile (passed that point over a year ago). It was a toss up whether the tunnel crab or the blue marlin would be the final conquest. I have to say, though that fishing has made my UO life better in that I will never have to worry about gold again. I have made over 200 million (without a vendor) just selling the scrolls and charybdis stuff and white nets. If I had set up shop with a crab and lobster vendor, I am sure I would be well on my way to a billion. Let me give the aspiring fisherman a little advice: do not go crab fishing without PINCO'S mod. With that mod, once the crab pots bob, they get a tag bar above them that does not go away. There is a counter on the tag that shows how many crabs the trap holds. You can relax and go pick up the full traps when you are ready and do not have the added stress of watching the traps closely for the bobbing.
To add to this; don't remove the traps before they hold at least 3 crabs in them if you're after the Tunnel Crab. I added the note to UOGuide on Crabs, and I am still living off the collection of crabs I got chasing the Legendary in quests for the reward tracking document sticky here... 500 odd hand ins later and I still have 100-200 of most of the quest crabs! And in all those collections I never once saw a Legendary appear before the 3rd bob. If you're using bait, try and leave them in as long as possible; crabbing is actually the easiest Legendary to catch though as the traps increase the odds with each cycle, unlike casting a rod which is a flat chance every time... if bait is applied, the improvement is to the base chance I believe, so the longer a trap is in, the more it will multiply the bait bonus too. So sacrifice traps for better odds and save yourself precious time!

It's not the best gains for the skill to use crabbing though; it seems like it because the fishing skill check is on the removal of the trap, and you tend to put a wave of traps out and take them in all at the same time, so you'll see a quick trigger of gains. However you drop time on the placing, the cycle of the trap to the first check, and the sailing to sea market to get more, and it costs you money to buy the traps... but the odds are identical to Deep Sea fishing of any other kind. It's better then to rod fish, where you can set the delay to 8.0 seconds before recasting, and thus get a skill check every 8 seconds without the stress of setting a trap up each time. And you also get sea serpents (which you can skin for leather and scales) and MiBs and actually make a profit whilst pootling about raising the skill, and handing in the fishing quests...

Which you all really should have been submitting so we have better answers for the next wave of fishers :p GO AND GIVE ME YOUR QUEST RESULTS NOOAAAOW!

old gypsy

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Caught my first blue marlin this morning... 105.4 skill... no bait, no fishing suit. Only 49 stones, though.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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I wish I'd kept track while building my skill to Legendary so I could tell you what to expect in the way of frequency of catch... But I'll tell you this, you can expect plenty more of them from here on out...

old gypsy

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I wish I'd kept track while building my skill to Legendary so I could tell you what to expect in the way of frequency of catch... But I'll tell you this, you can expect plenty more of them from here on out...
I hope that prediction proves to be accurate. :)


Slightly Crazed
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my buddy just hauled in a 40 stone black marlin fel side at 93.4 fishing.
no bait but think he used the suit

Tina Small

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I just caught a 32-stone blue marlin (my first ever) with 99.3 fishing. Today was the first day I've fished with this character in several months. I finally had enough saltpeter and alchemy is high enough on that shard to make cannon supplies. So I just had her out doing a bit of fishing while looking for merchant ships to attack. No bait was used and no special armor either.
blue marlin.jpg

Edited to add: Thought of a few other details that might be relevant. My fisher has not yet used any fishing power scroll, but she was fishing from a Tokuno ship.
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