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[Discussion] Invisible Cloaks


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Stratics Legend
...so, I've seen a few of them. Invisible cloaks that is. Every single person I've seen wearing one tells me the same thing when I ask them where they got it from. They all say: "A friend gave it to me".

Well...I want to know, where the heck did it come from? I can not find any info on them from UoGuide.com or anywhere else. I play on Catskills, so if it was once a "Catskills only" event item, then someone let me know?

Otherwise...Is it maybe an item in a quest line or something? Anyone actually know anything about them?


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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I believe they are a old duped item. Along the same lines as the Europa gold robe and the blue hue robe. They are legal to have but they may be deleted in the future with one of EA fixes etc. That's what a GM told me when I asked about mine.
Mine I bought off some guy in luna for 5mill about a year ago. In trade windows and in your bag they look like a normal cloak dyed black. Some people have been scammed in the past by buying what they thought was the ethy cloak and it ended up being a normal black cloak. That's all I know about them.

Gus of Llanowar

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They are as she said etheral not invisible. i dont nowif it was duped a hellalot but i very rarely see them. i actually have an ethy crook on Napa that i got from Lake Austin. Supposably theiris suppose to be a whole ethy suit. IDK and like u i dont know where they came from.


I believe that the original was an event item called "The Cloak of Shadows" or some-such... and it was only given on one shard. All others are dupes of this original.

Wraith One

Tazar you said it correctly. The original item is none other than "The Cloak of Shadows". The 1 and only cloak was never sold and til this day I believe is still owned by the same person. He was just not paying close attention to the stratics boards during the doggy dupe days. Someone managed to find him wearing the cloak and used the Dog imprisoned in a crystal to look like him. Mind you this little trick doesn't work anymore, and hasn't for years. They only actioned the shrouds that were duped. The item wasn't really duped per say either. If it had any mods or special names, those were lost by the copycat effect of the dog. Hundreds of different items were duped all except the colored shrouds were not fixed. Sigil items, AoS clothes, Good Samaritan of Britannia(Glacial Bandanna), Gargoyle Pickaxe(Glacial Pickaxe), Cloak of Shadows, Niera's Sword, Subdue, Pacify, Calm, Quell, and countless others that had any special hue of any kind. The blue robes you see that is actually an npc robe that was doggy duped. The necromancer in umbra wears it.


Lore Keeper
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I took some screenshots of the ethy clothing. We got these just last week (wasn't it last week?) from Cyrus the Virus who recently posted his sellout thread here, in the rares forum. I think they look neat when worn. In the paperdoll and in a container they look like they were dyed with a black dye tub.

The crook was purchased at the last rares festival. You can barely see it when it is equipped. I stood on a polar bear rug, so it would show up.

Does anyone know where the crook came from originally? Was it a doggy dupe item, too?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...ok, please enlighten me. What does "doggy dupe" mean? er...is it just a slang way to say "Lame dupe"?

And since this thread mentioned the "colored robes" where did the Tal'keesh robe come from? Was that a spring turn in?


Crazed Zealot
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Hehe how much did you pay for that set Bliss if you don't mind me asking, thats pretty sweet, wouldnt mind a set myself :).


doggy dupe= imprisoned dog dupe where the dog (being a changeling) would turn into a person it was near and then the people would use a script to keep pulling the item of choice off the dogs paperdoll (like a vendors pdoll). And would log out as this script ran. And when they logged back in. The desired item would be in said players pack. Of course the item would have no properties just the same coloration.

of The Ring

Tazar you said it correctly. The original item is none other than "The Cloak of Shadows". The 1 and only cloak was never sold and til this day I believe is still owned by the same person.
can i know who are you refering to?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Hehe how much did you pay for that set Bliss if you don't mind me asking, thats pretty sweet, wouldnt mind a set myself :).
We paid 15m for it. I had not seen this stuff before (had seen the cape) and didn't know the value of it, so no one can really go by what I was willing to pay. I just liked it. Wraith asked how much I was willing to spend for it then made the seller an offer.

I want to bless the pieces, but then they can't ever be cut up. What do you guys think, bless or not?
Wraith says, "No." :heart: