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[Interview] Beauvina for Chancellor, Part II


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

In the first part of my interview with the eccentric Lady Beauvina, self-appointed spokeswoman for bovine-kind everywhere, we learned a bit about her bid for the office of Chancellor of the High Council, as well as her thoughts about the current leadership in the form of Chancellor DaKaren. The interview continues with discussion of the Virtues and her feelings about the Justicar of the High Court. Please read on for the second part of this three-part interview.

The role of the chancellor seems to be quite varied in its duties. For example, the chancellor seems to be looked to as a leader during times of war. How do you think you would have handled the situation with Lord Casca had you been chancellor at the time?
I would have taken the bull by the horns... No offense, Angus. I would have worked hard to ensure those hurt by him were supported. They had a place to go. There are many pastures that I would have let people receive help at. We would have supplied Virtue studies and milk.

Would you say the Virtues play a large role in your life?
Oh, of course! I believe in all ten of them. Fully.

All ten of them? I am only familiar with eight myself. May I ask the other two?
Isn't patience a virtue?

I suppose it might be considered one, yes. Though it has never really been adopted into the teachings from Lord British.
Well, eight, ten... I think you should as many Virtues as you can. The more the merrier! In fact, I encourage all to attend those fantastic Virtue studies the Justicar is having!

Other than Patience, Compassion, Honestly, Humility, Sacrifice, Compassion, Spirituality, Valor, and Honor, what is the tenth Virtue?
The tenth is... Niceness. Yes, Niceness.

That seems like a very nice Virtue to strive for.
{Angus moos again.} Angus says there are only eight. Thank you, Angus.

Oh. Thank you, Angus.
Don't laugh at me, Angus, it wasn't intentional!

You mention the Justicar who is holding Virtue studies. He recently sided with the High Council in barring animals from meetings. You also implied he may have been paid off.
Why yes. Even though he was obviously paid off, I still think people should know the Virtues.

Do you feel he is the correct person for the job, or would you seek to replace him if elected?
I would probably ask Perimoosyn to run for Justicar. He has a keen legal mind. And looks slimmer in a robe.

During that hearing, you indicated that Perimoosyn is rather sensitive. Do you think he would be successful as a Justicar?
He can be [sensitive], yes. [O]f course [he would be successful]! Wisdom and being impartial are very important. And not being paid off.

The interview wraps up tomorrow with the third part of this interview, so be sure to check back, and keep your eyes open for the forthcoming interview with Lore Denin, frequent Commanding Lord of the True Britannians.