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Interesting topic.

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Taken from another forum. You get the jist of what we're talking about. It started about that Steven Hawking show on discovery, but then got carried away with this black hole/white hole business. For those not familiar with the 'white hole theory' its basically just worm-hole theory on crack. .
I forget what I was asked, but this was my response.. Behold, the universe, as Himuro Gemma depicts:

haha, yeah john, i think he said 'don't slam the door on their face'. No, I don't think theres some idealistic means of time travel in regard to black holes, and yeah, this is similar to the 'white hole theory'. The difference is that the matter isn't placed someWHERE else, per se, but someTIME else. In other words, accepting the big bang, the question is 'what banged, and where did it come from?'.

My theory is that 'It' came, or comes, from black holes. Again, I don't believe in time travel for 'objects' per se, but for matter and energy, if you accept that black holes exist, you should also accept that matter and energy can be moved through time.

So yeah, the universe does seem to be still expanding, but what happens when it finally does collapse? Gravity demands that it will. My theory is that it all ends up back at the beginning and time literally repeats itself. You have to ask yourself at this point, 'but what if you could watch the collapse of the universe from a distance? Where and when would I be when the universe disappears through a pinhole?' Time would seem to go on in an empty universe, but then, you're forgetting that the universe in its entirety has been pulled through a pinhole into another time, you included. Space, time, matter, and energy are all gone to another time. In this universe, or lack thereof, time would stop? I think so.

Everything emerges on the other side, the white-hot ball of gas and gravity where time stands still and has not begun, to start the entire process again. Like turning over an hourglass. When the last universe finally folds in and the pinhole shuts, the big bang drives the new universe on the other side of the hourglass. We know the story from here on out.

So its like, okay Evan's being all weird and trying to be deep or something, but seriously, I think its an easier way to look at the universe. I've always had a hard time grasping the concepts of time and space being infinite. The way I am trying to imagine it, is that the universe does have a shape and its shape is something like an hourglass. It only expands so far before gravity pulls it back onto the other side of the glass. Time is also finite, and is also contingent on how far gravity will let it go on. Hell, it could be exact, and consistent, every single time the universe expands and subsequently collapses: Time begins with the end of the collapse of the last universe, and it ends as the next universe is born.

Am I saying that history LITERALLY repeats itself exactly? In other words, the earth will be born again and again, as well as ourselves? That there has literally been an infinite number of ourselves, and there will be an infinite number of ourselves to come? Well.. I don't really care to speculate that much, but maybe this is why we get 'de ja vu'? Then again, maybe we truly are unique with each 'turning' of the hourglass. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other..

So then you're like 'okay Evan, thats a really simple way of looking at it, but what do you think is beyond your hour-glass shaped universe? What exactly is it expanding into?'

I think the answer here is the really difficult part that we'll always have problems understanding: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not space, not matter, not anti-matter, or time, but nothing at all.

'But there HAS to be SOMETHING', is the argument that comes to mind, but when you stop and think about it, don't you think its a little stranger that there IS something, rather than nothing at all?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Um what if we were like neutrons in cells in a body that would explain space.


Um what if we were like neutrons in cells in a body that would explain space.
I was thinking about something like that Kaleb. Just trip out on this for a sec:

so we make a probe/ship that can actually withstand the forces of a black hole. i.e. fly into the 'event horizon' without being destroyed. What if you emerged only to find yourself inside an embryo? Thats a little too 'goddy' for me.. Frankly, those kinds of ideas are pretty presumptuous. I've heard the same kind of arguments in support of creationism: 'the human mind is so incredible, that if you stretched every brain cell, end to end, they would reach around the moon a billion times!' and other such voodoo..

The fact of the matter is that if you think your mind/body/self is so incredible, its just because its your own dumb mind thinking about itself. You're sure to blow a fuse that way.... :thumbsup:


Since cockroaches can live through anything, place a mini camera inside a living cockroach and launch it towards a black hole and have it send the pics it takes back to earth.

I like the idea that the universe is flat and therefore infinite with multiple universes co-existing side by side.

In the television show Fringe, a scientist whose young son died in his home universe went through to an alternate universe and stole his ill but still living son from there and brought him back and cured him and raised him to adulthood, but still hadn't told him the truth of his origins the last I was able to watch the show.

It is kind of nice to think that in other universes things are different and that I made the right choices in my life and not the stupid ass ones that I made in this universe.

I guess that would also mean that in another universe Pacific players in need of an idol would revere the windbag Tesla over the windbag Gemma...



Hahah, well met. I'm not sure if I can get down with the whole 'multiple universes' though.. I guess I could get down..


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since cockroaches can live through anything, place a mini camera inside a living cockroach and launch it towards a black hole and have it send the pics it takes back to earth.

I like the idea that the universe is flat and therefore infinite with multiple universes co-existing side by side.

In the television show Fringe, a scientist whose young son died in his home universe went through to an alternate universe and stole his ill but still living son from there and brought him back and cured him and raised him to adulthood, but still hadn't told him the truth of his origins the last I was able to watch the show.

It is kind of nice to think that in other universes things are different and that I made the right choices in my life and not the stupid ass ones that I made in this universe.

I guess that would also mean that in another universe Pacific players in need of an idol would revere the windbag Tesla over the windbag Gemma...


Thank you for ruining Fringe for me. ._.
I thought the season ended at the episode where she saw Peter was from the other side, then I read your post and went "what? No, that never happened." And then just five minutes ago I saw the preview for the 2 hour season finale.
Damnit. I didn't know I was behind and now I'm so sad.