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Interesting looking rune, any info on when, where, or how this came to be would be appreciated.



So I was just rummaging through some boxes and I came across this rune with some very interesting colored lettering. I have never seen anything quite like it. Anyone that can give me some info on it would be great.


Sombody marked it with some html code, you used to be able to do this to any nameable item like runes, runebooks, and even braclets of binding. Your rune has some collectable value but prob not an easy sell maybe a mill or 2 if you find the right buyer.


What is it marked to?

Someones house or a useful spot?


It is marked to a rather interesting area on top of a mountain. There are 2 houses in the area, but no entrance, very secluded and I have no idea how anyone got up there in the first place. But yes, the rune is fully functional.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
<font color="purple"> check the house signs... I have a house sign like that, and when you mark a rune inside the house the rune looks exactly the same </font>


Checked the house signs, they look as normal as anyone elses. (Other than yours that is)


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
I can easily see something like this selling for 5-7M personally. That is chump change for many people and it is not so common to find such things anymore. Great addition to a rune library for instance.

Note: If what devil's own says is true than I guess it would not be worth so much as they can be still created.


The rune's location is simply one of the few "secret" malas locations.

What happened was the owner of that rune initially placed a rune into one of the special hidden containers around malas which automatically marks a rune to a corresponding hidden location.

After that they simply placed a house up in the mountain and renamed their house with HTML Coding. At that point, any runes marked inside that house would create the same rune you have there. The reason there's only 2 houses there and neither house sign is like your rune is because the owner of it no longer exists there
The house fell and most likely eventually got replaced by those 2 houses you see now.

These runes are still easily creatable as long as you find a house with an HTML sign. They are a nice eye candy piece but ultimately worth nothing significant as they can be made as long as someone has access to an html house. There is a public one on ATL which has been there for years owned by Chamaeleon (spelling?) Which was right under the Malas Market mall. It's still there and the house name was something like "The Mystical Llama" or something to that nature, also in HTML. Feel free to walk in there and make runes hehe.

With the introduction of KR you won't be able to see those rune colorings anymore just as you wont' be able to see any other html coded items such as runebooks, house signs, and binding bracelets in color. It'll just be html coding written out.