Some ideas for Alchemy bulk order rewards..
- Sturdy Mortar & Pestle
100 uses, doesn't waste uses when a potion making attempt fails. This means one tool will fill an entire keg, no matter how much reagent wastage there may be in the process. Easy to get.
- Flask
Looks like lantern oil, holds 10, 20 or 30 potions, weighs only 1, 2 or 3 stones respectively. Using a flask chugs one potion from it. Works just like using a potion stack only weighs less. Relatively easy to get, depends on capacity.
- Potion Belt
Insurable, but able to be snooped/stolen from (at least until thieves get some love). Will hold 1, 3, or 5 potion stacks/flasks, contents stay with wearer upon death. Uses same slot as a ninja belt but likewise doesn't have to be worn to use. Moderately hard to get, depends on capacity.
- Potion Sling
Allows a volley of 3 explosion potions to be hurled at once, leveling the field between players with and without UO:Assist. Has a warning message *begins to menacingly swing a potion sling*, must target before the potion countdown runs out or risk injuring self. Potions behave in the usual way, just three in quick succession. Has a usage cooldown period similar to conflags. Difficult to get.
- Funnel
Allows kegs of potions to be poured directly into a stack of bottles/flask, instead of one at a time. I'm assuming there's some coding reason why this can't be done by dropping the keg onto the stack, so a funnel could be employed to handle the action as a special case. Limited uses, although each use may fill up to 100 bottles. Easy to get.
- Enchanted Hourglass
Similar look to the gargoyle hourglass but not animated, hued gold, has a settings gump. Can be set to chime when potion lockout timers (such as conflags) wear off, or when buff potions are about to expire, say 5 seconds warning. Relatively difficult to get.
- Alchemist's Bench
An alternate graphic to that cruddy elven one, possibly animated bubbles etc, acts as a container.
- Glassblowing Recipes
Unlock more glassware art for crafting.
- Sand Trowel
A shovel that improves your chance to find glass-quality sand. Sand mining is too damned tedious.
- Sand Bucket
A container for storing sand in. Don't know why they can't make it stack, but if it must be approached a different way I suggest a bucket or the like.
And, just a general improvement, potion-specific macros in the 2D client, please!