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Inquring minds want to know...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think you already know.

This is getting old, fast
What is? the fact that I don't roll over and I don't play dead? Since I have been posting, no matter what the subject matter is, these boards have seen more activity than they have in months. Now if you don't like what I have to say, don't listen. IE respond. Better yet go cry to a mod about it. Seems that's what Pac does best these days. Now if you have anything constructive to say I'm all ears.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We can talk about how the sig i made you.... Your name strongly resembles a "COME" shot...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We can talk about how the sig i made you.... Your name strongly resembles a "COME" shot...


That's only because you made me ride your ROFLCOPTER.... muhahahaha

I'm thinking though that I need another one... something for my "bad" moods. IE when waste seconds off my life, reading yet aother dumbass post.


What is? the fact that I don't roll over and I don't play dead? Since I have been posting, no matter what the subject matter is, these boards have seen more activity than they have in months. Now if you don't like what I have to say, don't listen. IE respond. Better yet go cry to a mod about it. Seems that's what Pac does best these days. Now if you have anything constructive to say I'm all ears.
no, your attention whoring.

We've all had threads locked and deleted.

You post meaningless threads about nothing so that people will pay attention to you.

congratulations that the board has had so much activity just because of your existance.. you and tesla would have made such a good pair, too bad his account got stolen.

Rand Al


That's only because you made me ride your ROFLCOPTER.... muhahahaha

I'm thinking though that I need another one... something for my "bad" moods. IE when waste seconds off my life, reading yet aother dumbass post.
Then do not read the post or better yet don't even post ever try that one tesla i mean kahlan?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I suddenly had Deja Vu and thought I heard the name "TESLA" whispered in my ear.

Gave me the ****ing chills, man.

Rand Al

Kahlan is cool people. She's just.....eager. :D
well people that sit here and cry and post over the same stuff over and over then try to get attention like tesla yea they will get called tesla and get the attention they want and here it is :p

Eyes of Origin

Tesla? *shudders* you guys just had to go and bring his name up huh?

*waves to lols and Rand*
On a side note, I'm starting to miss you guys, if RL takes a break anytime soon I'll drop in more to say hi, but I dont see that happening till after June :(

Balian of Asgard

lols, as soon as i read the rant from kahlan i thought tesla as well


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Pretty simple really. Abide by the RoC and you will have few problems.

Duke X. Winter

Just a couple of points:

1) Eyes is correct, if you wouldn't mind removing my real name from your post, I would appreciate it.

2) This is the last time I am going to comment on anything personal you have to say about me: "Our little friend" would not be disappointed in me. He'd find my stirring the pot funny. You just don't know him well enough to know that.

3) It's not now, nor has it ever been, up to you to revive these forums. No one has asked you to do it, and it's not really anything special. This is not to take away from the fact you have posted a lot lately, and is not meant as an insult, so before you respond, consider that. The ebb and flow of these forums is fairly consistant. People post sometimes more often then others, and it's not generally due to one person that there is more or less posting.

What I see you doing (and again, this is not an insult) is the same thing you and I did back when Jean-Luc was the moderator here. It was wrong of us to act like children then, and it's wrong now. Posting to get a rise out of people for the purpose of getting them to post more is like using dynamite to fish. It'll work, but it probably isn't the smartest thing to do.

What we should have known way back when, is the same thing we should know now. There are rules that we agreed to when we signed up, and these are not "our" forums, and therefore, we have no basis to expect that the rules can be changed.

4) Please do not bring up our personal history ever again in an open forum. If you have something to say, PM it. If I decide to respond, I will. None of my posts up to this one (and past this one) have been personal, and I'd like it kept that way.

....regardless....my picture comments are always funny.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I see you doing (and again, this is not an insult) is the same thing you and I did back when Jean-Luc was the moderator here. It was wrong of us to act like children then, and it's wrong now. Posting to get a rise out of people for the purpose of getting them to post more is like using dynamite to fish. It'll work, but it probably isn't the smartest thing to do.

What we should have known way back when, is the same thing we should know now. There are rules that we agreed to when we signed up, and these are not "our" forums, and therefore, we have no basis to expect that the rules can be changed.
You two were sometimes a pain in my ass back in the day. You have no idea how happy it makes me to read the above from you, Duke. I'm sure you hated me at times when I had to swat your behind a bit, but it really makes me happy to see that you have a different outlook on things now. :heart:.

Kahlan hon, you can revive the forums without engulfing it in flames. Try to focus more on the positive stuff and create discussions based on that. Part of building community is when you see a thread by others, just post a positive response to it. Find out what people like to discuss -and- what is in the ROC. Build the community. That means a lot of focusing on others more than yourself. When your posts come across as 'attention whoring', you're gonna get labeled as one. I'm not saying this to be mean, but in an effort to help. I don't think you want to come across that way, but sometimes its hard to see how and why others perceive you as they do. You can change that perception, just gonna take a change in attitude, posting style and a bit of work.


Just a couple of points:

1) Eyes is correct, if you wouldn't mind removing my real name from your post, I would appreciate it.

2) This is the last time I am going to comment on anything personal you have to say about me: "Our little friend" would not be disappointed in me. He'd find my stirring the pot funny. You just don't know him well enough to know that.

3) It's not now, nor has it ever been, up to you to revive these forums. No one has asked you to do it, and it's not really anything special. This is not to take away from the fact you have posted a lot lately, and is not meant as an insult, so before you respond, consider that. The ebb and flow of these forums is fairly consistant. People post sometimes more often then others, and it's not generally due to one person that there is more or less posting.

What I see you doing (and again, this is not an insult) is the same thing you and I did back when Jean-Luc was the moderator here. It was wrong of us to act like children then, and it's wrong now. Posting to get a rise out of people for the purpose of getting them to post more is like using dynamite to fish. It'll work, but it probably isn't the smartest thing to do.

What we should have known way back when, is the same thing we should know now. There are rules that we agreed to when we signed up, and these are not "our" forums, and therefore, we have no basis to expect that the rules can be changed.

4) Please do not bring up our personal history ever again in an open forum. If you have something to say, PM it. If I decide to respond, I will. None of my posts up to this one (and past this one) have been personal, and I'd like it kept that way.

....regardless....my picture comments are always funny.