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[Price Check] Ingots


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just returning with my miner can I get ingot price check maybe from one of you BOD people buying bulk.


I've been playing on siege for the past few months so I'll let someone else tell you the current rate. I will tell you though depending on how long you've been gone before returning you might find that pirating and high seas is a much better way to get rare ingots, wood and leather to sell. You can scuttle the NPC merchant ships. They don't fight back. You could probably get about 1000 of each agapite/verite/valorite in an hour. Plus their holds/boxes will have tons of other loot you might find valuable.

I hate to say it but they made changes to mining spawn mechanics awhile back which more or less only served to promote rampant scripting. I guess you could argue the scripting was pretty bad before it so maybe net-net no change. Unless you're going to get multiple accounts and try to set up a 24/7 mining bot farm, I don't think you will find mining as fun as pirating is.

I could make a pitch to leave atlantic and join siege though.... you can't buy any resources from NPC on siege. Mining is still very real and very valuable over here as even iron ingots are in demand from player miners just to be able to train. So if you just like mining you'll probably find it more rewarding to mine on siege than on atlantic.
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And if you'd like to join siege, I'm happy to set you up as I attempt to create my guild. It's still just me but I can get you going with skill training and gear anytime you need it if you want to join. Would love to have some extra folks who aren't trying to kill me around for PVM, haha. Guild is [AQUA]. I'm currently a fisher, tamer, pirate, mage but any template has value. Plenty to do on siege.