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[Fishing] Info on 110 Fishing PS straight from the horse's mouth

  • Thread starter Luke Carjacker
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Luke Carjacker

Well, I don't know if Mesanna wants me calling her a horse, but she answered some questions after our EM event tonight and here's what she said:

To have a chance at a 110 fishing PS, you have to do fishing quests with "6-lines". She didn't mention any other way to obtain 110 or higher PS, so I guess that's the answer. Guess you just gotta keep building up loyalty and doing the huge quests.


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I think they work like bods when you do the higher end ones you have a chance at the higher end scrolls but no guaranty


Slightly Crazed
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If we take 'my' rating suggestion that would mean that you need a rating off over 100 for an order to get a 110. (You could get 100 at max for a 5-liner.)
Lets hope that this rating system is fully wrong.

Mandrake of DF

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Well, I did so many quests now that im getting nightmares of them.

I did combine my 5's to make a 10. Ate it and trained it up to 110....

Maybe its just the RNG that hates me, but I still get the +5's and I do get a lot of 6 lvl quests..... Just hate when that damn book drops.

Now, im testing how the drop is in fell - to see if its any different there.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ugg... Ive gotten one 6 parter out a ton of quests. I got stone crab bait from it. I just dont think im willing to grind at it for hours a day for weeks just to get that 110 or enough 105's to bind to make one.

Its too much work for what you are getting. Especially when you look at how easy it was to get the imbuing powerscrolls.

Lord Frodo

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Well, I don't know if Mesanna wants me calling her a horse, but she answered some questions after our EM event tonight and here's what she said:

To have a chance at a 110 fishing PS, you have to do fishing quests with "6-lines". She didn't mention any other way to obtain 110 or higher PS, so I guess that's the answer. Guess you just gotta keep building up loyalty and doing the huge quests.
Please, would the horse come on here and confirm this.


Slightly Crazed
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I would like to see, if fish weighting counts into the chance for a ps and if 6-liner means, that we need to get one order with a weight of 100+ for a chance for a higher ps than 105.
(I just turned in a 6-part order with a weighting of 40 ... 5+20 crabs, 10 deep sea fishes, 20+10+5 shore fishes. I got a book for that one.)

ACK: Theres a mistake in my thoughts. Dungeon fishes are weighted 1.5, so you could get a max weighting of 150 for a 5-part-order. That means that you might not be able to get one with a 6-part-order if weighting does count into and you could get them only by 6-parts unless you are elegible for dungeon fishes. (You cannot exceed a weighting of 120 with only deep water fishes.)


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The million dollar question for me is if these deliveries do or do not inclure the dungeon fish ...

Still have this bad feeling you need a 110 to get a 110 ....

Luke Carjacker

I also bound my own 110 and have been training up (109.3 now). I have been getting dungeon fish requests now, and with those it's possible to get up to 180 weight on a 6-part order. There is one very nice bonus when you get past 106 fishing and dungeon fish are included; I've noticed that since there are more things that can be included in an order, the chances of having crab/lobster is reduced. Having crab/lobster worth .5 is just crazy stupid.

Dungeon fishing is actually my favorite for kick-back relaxed fishing. When I fish, I sometimes like to put on a movie or something, then just press a button on my UO computer every few seconds and fish. However, sometimes fishing deep water you drag up a sea serpent, which is cool to get MiBs and nets, but not cool when you're leaning back in your chair with your feet up and a cool beverage in your hand. All of a sudden, sea serpent, mad scramble for the keyboard, spillage everywhere :). When fishing in dungeon you don't get sea serpents, and there are plenty of spots that are basically completely safe, and now you get the added bonus of 1.5x points. It adds up quick in the quest orders.

I'm just going to speculate here. The maximum possible points per order is 180 (6-lines, with 20 fish per line, and at 1.5 points 30 points possible per line). I'm going to guess you need about 100 points minimum to have a shot at a 110 scroll, 130 minimum to have a shot at a 115, and 160 minimum to have a shot at a 120. I think I've only had one order valued at 100 or higher (got 100 units of king fish bait), but haven't been doing as many quests since reaching 106 fishing. I will again after getting to 110 (hopefully soon). Let's just say orders valued at 150 or 160 points will be extremely rare (6 lines, almost all 20s and all but one or maybe two for dungeon fish).

One final thing. When talking to Mesanna I mentioned that I don't think anyone on any shard has reported receiving a PS higher than 105. Her response was that the person who designed fishing thought it should be hard, but it should be impossible; so perhaps they will tweak it in the future. I'm glad that everyone can't get to 120 fishing a week after release, but would like to know there's a realistic shot at higher PS without and endless grind.


New Player Protector
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I've been quietly following the discussion about the whole fishing powerscroll issue, but would like to ask you all this: Is it that wrong if some things are hard to get, or are we all so spoiled that we want everything in a heartbeat?

In that regard, I completely agree with Luke Carjacker's comments above mine. Just think of the achievement of the person who'll reach 120 first (and the killing in gold he'll likely make regarding fishing trophy mounts), it'll be something rare and to be envious about...

We should be glad they don't hand everything on a platter, or we'd all be whining again about us being bored of the new expansion because we obtained everything it had to offer...