Personally I think that could work even more.. Lord Blackthorn is evil and so technically Chaos rules right now.. Surely Order would want to fight back
The true Lord Blackthorn is not evil though, the doppelganger that Exodus created that became Robo-Blackthorn was a corrupted version of the true Blackthorn. The tenants of Chaos teach that every life, whether it be human, gargsih, orc, or otherwise is valued and worth saving. Order, on the other hand, stressed strict adherence to the Virtues. It was always Lord British's philosophy that everyone should follow Order, and as a result he would be able to reunite all the shards. Blackthorn took issue with this as his belief was that every life was valid and reuniting the shards would essentially blink every life on each shard but Sosaria-Prime out of existence. It was Blackthorn's belief that so long as at least one person followed Chaos, Order would never conquer all and as a result LB would never be able to reunite the shards.
Our Blackthorn, recently freed from being imprisoned by Exodus, performed a number of acts demonstrating that he was a stark contrast to the "evil" robo-version that ruled over parts of Ilshenar. Blackthorn was responsible for healing the Great Gargish Plague, Repairing the corrupted Honor Moongate in Ilshenar, and reuniting a fractured Britannia under his banner.
All hail the King!