At what point does the "wounded debuff" wear off? And is it only possible to become subject to the "wounded debuff" if you die within a certain area on the shard, or will it apply any time you die to someone who is on the opposite side, no matter where the death happens and even if there is no "Virtue vs. Vice" battle in progress? Also, what happens if so many people just log off or quit in the middle of a battle that the initial requirements per side to start the battle are no longer satisfied--will the battle just stop at that point?
It would also be good to get confirmation of how a battle is started and ended and whether there will be any kind of monster spawn to overcome.
Long enough to be an effective deterrent but not so long as to become a burden. It will apply anywhere...that's the trade off for free top level gear.
Once a battle has started it will continue until there is a victor. If there is a change in population after a short cool down before the next battle starts the next battle won't initialize.
No monster spawn, this is all about PvP. Participants will be notified when a battle is about to start via messages as well as visual cues.