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Let's just get SA rolled out already! I wanna embue!!!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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What and have everyone cry, B**ch and Moan about how bugged this and that are and how this and that aren't finished and on and on and on.... Heck no...

Let them get it done... Let them do it right. Don't rush it.


no ... just no.

as MalagAste points out ... rushing it out the door will bring nothing but rants about shoddy releases, etc. Let's allow EA/Mythic to do it the right way, huh?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What and have everyone cry, B**ch and Moan about how bugged this and that are and how this and that aren't finished and on and on and on.... Heck no...

Let them get it done... Let them do it right. Don't rush it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let them take their time.

You can always play around with the SA client meantime.


The sad thing is, even if SA is PERFECT when it comes out, even if they put another three years into making it perfect, heck, even if they sent every subscriber a free computer designed specifically for playing SA, people will still gripe.

Thus I say d*mn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just raid EA headquarters in VA and bribe them with food to get you SA beta access


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The sad thing is, even if SA is PERFECT when it comes out, even if they put another three years into making it perfect, heck, even if they sent every subscriber a free computer designed specifically for playing SA, people will still gripe.

Thus I say d*mn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!
Except, if they wait, they could have a small number of people complain, instead of EVERYONE if they release it now...

And I would certainly hope that free computer would be a downgrade for most people.


no the reaseon is:

the players with beta-access (closed beta with imbuing and new content) need a little more time and money to checkout which armor and ressources will get very very asked in SA, so they can buyout all the vendors on the production shards of especialy the very usefull stuff that wil raise dramaticaly in price. thats like you would know the numbers of the next weeks lottery :D

better comparison: you know the value of special industrial shares of the stock exchange of next week. because of the profit depends on how much you invest.
so we soon will have a lot more billionairs on several shards soon

Stupid Miner

no the reaseon is:

the players with beta-access (closed beta with imbuing and new content) need a little more time and money to checkout which armor and ressources will get very very asked in SA, so they can buyout all the vendors on the production shards of especialy the very usefull stuff that wil raise dramaticaly in price. thats like you would know the numbers of the next weeks lottery :D

better comparison: you know the value of special industrial shares of the stock exchange of next week. because of the profit depends on how much you invest.
so we soon will have a lot more billionairs on several shards soon
That's needlessly complex, would be much simpler to buy out all the cloaks of corruption on a shard. There's a limited amount and they're only ~1 mil per now. Then when you have a monopoly of them on the shard, sell them for 10x what you bought them for. (cross shard traders would have to sell at the same price as you, or you could buy them out as well.)


What and have everyone cry, B**ch and Moan about how bugged this and that are and how this and that aren't finished and on and on and on.... Heck no...

Let them get it done... Let them do it right. Don't rush it.
The problem with that line of thinking is that SA will never be finished if they spent time bug checking things.
UO is a target rich environment for bugs that never gets fixed.


Didn't they say it was coming in August for sure?

I'd like an updated ETA on a release.


the thing with the cloaks will not work, i think. because they are not very usefull in my opinion. and by the way. the market is flooded again with them from the actual event! but the thing with the ressources needet in sa is other. everyone wants to imbue and wants to raise the skill as quick as possible when sa starts. and the closed beta testers exactly know which ressources to buyout all vendors on productionshards.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to thank you, on behalf of the beta testers, for having such faith in our integrity. Obviously none of us have the slightest intention of spending hours testing stuff and reporting bugs when we could just be touring the shards buying up stuff that meets the criteria listed in the publicly available information on imbuing on UO Herald or even right here on Stratics.

Now if you'll excuse me I'll get back to trying to help make sure things work properly when the thing goes live.


I'd like to thank you, on behalf of the beta testers, for having such faith in our integrity. Obviously none of us have the slightest intention of spending hours testing stuff and reporting bugs when we could just be touring the shards buying up stuff that meets the criteria listed in the publicly available information on imbuing on UO Herald or even right here on Stratics.

Now if you'll excuse me I'll get back to trying to help make sure things work properly when the thing goes live.
the info listetd there is not of great use. its well known that mining gems and peerless regs will be of use( and as i found out a few more things). but as far as i have read all threads about imbuing the last months. its that way: if you have an item and want to imbue a special property on it, then a special ressource for exactly that property is needet. so lets play with gems: if for imbuing the property HML on a weapon let's say turquoise would be needed, then turqoise will be really valuable in sa. if for imbuing the skill Item Identification on jewelery let's say perfect emerald is needet(and only for that property), then perfect emerald is and would stay worthles even with sa. and that is the big difference. So why can not everybody get that information what will be needed for which property? I not know if mining and buying gems is better or spending my time untill sa comes out buying peerless regs and hunting peerless. you know it. Why should closed betatesters and their close friends have this extreme advantage in information? Dont missunderstand. its a usefull job the testers do. but this Infos i mentioned should be provided from official site to everyone i think.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
'close friends' do not have that information - there's an NDA. Nor are most beta testers stockpiling items. We're testing, to try to make sure there are as few bugs as possible when it goes live.
In a short time I'm guessing there will be an open beta, when, if it's your desire, you can buy up and stockpile anything you like while others concentrate on trying to make sure the game is playable. NDA's are standard practice in game development beta testing, they don't exist for the purpose you are implying.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know exactly what items are required, and I haven't bought even one of any of them.


'close friends' do not have that information - there's an NDA. Nor are most beta testers stockpiling items. We're testing, to try to make sure there are as few bugs as possible when it goes live.
In a short time I'm guessing there will be an open beta, when, if it's your desire, you can buy up and stockpile anything you like while others concentrate on trying to make sure the game is playable. NDA's are standard practice in game development beta testing, they don't exist for the purpose you are implying.
sorry but... close frineds don't have the infos because of the NDA.. rofl sure!
so its pure random that on the two shards me and my friends live special ressources are absoluteley sold out since 1 month. and not only some of the official mentioned ressources but also some stuff and items that were not mentioned officialy or discussed loud in the forums. i today heared from my guildmates that they know for sure that a opposit guild of ours has that infos from one of their friends that is closed beta tester. so this guild has a very big advantage compared to ours. that shouldnt be. so as i said before. the rules i mentioned above for imbuing are already coded since months. they only need to be tested and bugfixed. why not giveout that rules to everybody?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oki, my close friends don't know, because I signed the NDA and kept it.
I'd like to say more, but that would be breaking NDA, I'll just say that some of your assumptions are in error.


i not blamed YOU! i belive you. but i know there are some people that have this infos (even if not being tester) and they have a very very big advantage and will get really really rich soon. not only by selling the stuff 20 times more expensive when sa comes out. but also by being the first and for a long time the only ones that can create extreme powerfull items because they have the possibility to raise the new skills (they not run out of ressource) and after raised they have the possibility to produce superitems. so once again the rules i mentioned above for imbuing are already coded since months. they only need to be tested and bugfixed. why not giveout that rules to everybody? why once again have a small or medium group have such extreme advantages? but i know its not you who can answer this. it has to come from the officials.


I bet you'll be the first to complain if it's put of half-assed. Patience, grasshopper.
No I won't! I don't have a strong enough grasp of game mechanics for that! Besides I only complain about other players!


Besides which, see what I mean? Its not out yet, and people are complaining that beta testers are getting an unfair advantage. People will complain no matter what, so I'd rather have them complain about the released SA than the speculative one

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to thank you, on behalf of the beta testers, for having such faith in our integrity. Obviously none of us have the slightest intention of spending hours testing stuff and reporting bugs when we could just be touring the shards buying up stuff that meets the criteria listed in the publicly available information on imbuing on UO Herald or even right here on Stratics.

Now if you'll excuse me I'll get back to trying to help make sure things work properly when the thing goes live.
Dont be so naive. And also your sarcasm is misplaced. Maybe YOU wont be doing these things but others WILL.

Sure there will be some Beta testers who play by the rules ... dont abuse the knowledge ... dont break the NDA etc, but there is also many who will. If you think otherwise then youre even more naive than I thought. You can bet your bottom dollar that some of the beta testers will be buying up resources and disclosing to friends/their guild.


i today heared from my guildmates that they know for sure that a opposit guild of ours has that infos from one of their friends that is closed beta tester.
This has the equivalent of a friend, of a friend, of a cousin's 3rd uncle on his mother's side. :thumbsup::coco:


rofl. thats all you have to say on that? does it change the facts?
Yes it does. All it means is that hearsay is all you have to base your facts on, so you really have no facts at all.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to thank you, on behalf of the beta testers, for having such faith in our integrity. Obviously none of us have the slightest intention of spending hours testing stuff and reporting bugs when we could just be touring the shards buying up stuff that meets the criteria listed in the publicly available information on imbuing on UO Herald or even right here on Stratics.

Now if you'll excuse me I'll get back to trying to help make sure things work properly when the thing goes live.
Dont be so naive. And also your sarcasm is misplaced. Maybe YOU wont be doing these things but others WILL.

Sure there will be some Beta testers who play by the rules ... dont abuse the knowledge ... dont break the NDA etc, but there is also many who will. If you think otherwise then youre even more naive than I thought. You can bet your bottom dollar that some of the beta testers will be buying up resources and disclosing to friends/their guild.
It's plainly evident to many people(in and out of the NDA) there are certain resources that are no longer available that were widely available. The beta testers DO have a very real advantage and some will(and obviously have) taken advantage of that knowledge. There really is no way to solve this issue reliably. The benefit from having the beta testers far outweighs the disadvantage and that should be what helps everyone sleep at night.


according to what i mentioned - the infos some have and others dont have. and they not EARNED/Aquired that infos through gamemechanisms like quests, hunting and so on that every player would be able to. have a real close look at that thread: as long as its not deleted


see what i mean?