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Imbuing Questions


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good morning,

I love the SA expansion but I am very confused as to how to train the imbuing skill. I have read the threads in the forums but I still have some questions. Hopefully someone here can assist.

1) Do you have to be a gargoyle character to use imbuing?
2) If I have a new gargoyle character, where would I get the items to use for imbuing?
3) Is there a guide, etc that gives step by step directions for someone to start imbuing and raise the skill? What items are required (weapons, armor, jewellry, etc) and in what order should things be done?

I really want to learn this but have no clue where to start. I looked up imbuing in the playguide but it wasn't much help either.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Slightly Crazed
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1) No. But gargoyles are getting a success chance bonus to this skill. (Very important laters at high level imbuing.)
2) By hunting for treasures. Every 'hunting' that gives you magical items will work.
3) Not yet, but you can compare with http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?p=1380538#post1380538 . If you start with a fresh character start best with 50 skillpoints in imbuing otherwise 'train'/buy it up from NPCs to 40 (unless your on Siege). Start with unravelling all magical items to collect first imbuing resources.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

Thanks for the information. One question I have is if I start a new gargoyle character, does that mean I need to go hunting to collect magical weapons/armor before I can start imbuing? As well, if this is the case, how do I get the quantity of items needed to increase imbuing?

If I do not need to go hunting for the items, what is the best way to get the items needed with a new character to start out?



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actually silverbird the gargoyles bonus is more effective the lower it is at high levels 120 or so I think humans/elves and gargoyles are almost the same atleast thats what i remember from testing i could be wrong but dont think so....


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
Hi there,

Thanks for the information. One question I have is if I start a new gargoyle character, does that mean I need to go hunting to collect magical weapons/armor before I can start imbuing? As well, if this is the case, how do I get the quantity of items needed to increase imbuing?

If I do not need to go hunting for the items, what is the best way to get the items needed with a new character to start out?

unless you have loot stockpiled to turn in you either need to hunt do tchests for loot or craft with runic items (hammers,sewing kits etc ) then unravel what you made this works good for your low end runics another option is just grab stuff people are throwing away ! but you dont see alot of that lately ;-)

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I think once I get home from work tonight and have a few moments to sit down and put some thought into it I might write up a little essay on starting imbuing. Here (in a nutshell) is what I did.

Last night I started my real training. Tuesday I just kinda played around and got a feel for the skill. I went from 50.3 to 58.x in about an hour of imbuing. Roughly 2 hours of actual training including gathering ingredients.

I started by burning up some low end runics (dull copper and shadow) making daggers. I would make 100 directly into a magic unravel bag then give it to my new gargoyle. He would unravel those for ingredients. (Also bought a couple hundred of each gem from a jeweler) Once you have your ingredients start imbuing GM exceptional daggers. Find a property that uses little resources (the stratics imbuing ingredients table helps for this), and has about a 50-60% success chance and imbue that onto a dagger. You can imbue the same item 10 times before you will no longer gain off it. So I would imbue a dagger with 1 or 2 luck, then just keep hitting the reimbue last button until I had succeded 10 times. I would continue on like this until I used up my ingredients. At which point I unravelled the daggers I had just done for some return. Then I would repeat the whole process again. For an hours worth of actual imbuing I gained about 8.5 total. Having a ready supply of ingredients will speed the process up a lot. I lost a lot of time because I had to stop when I ran out, sign on to my 2nd account, burn up some runics, leave them at my house, log back in with the imbuer, recall to my house, pick up the daggers, recall back to ter mur and go back to work. Once I get my process a little more streamlined (which I'm going to do this weekend), I should be able to progress a little quicker.

Lord Frodo

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Black Sun
First, did you start a new Garg and with what skills?
Do new Gargs start in the new land?
How did you get him out? I heard this was a problem.
Or did you bring a toon over to the new land?

TY for starting this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

So does this mean I could create some dull copper or shadow iron daggers using my crafter and then have my gargoyle unravel these items for resources?


Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Hi there,

So does this mean I could create some dull copper or shadow iron daggers using my crafter and then have my gargoyle unravel these items for resources?

NO He is talking about using Dul/Shadow Runic hammers and making daggers with iron only and unraviling them for the resources to imbue with.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see....So what suggestions would you have if a player does not have any runic hammers? For players who do not have any, it would take a lot of time filling BODS until they would have enough runic hammers to start.


Lord Frodo

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Collect loot, that have mods on them, from monsters to unravil. So far I have 12 chests full of loot of all types. I just need to know how, after I upgrade and make a new Garg, to get him/her to my house in Tram or get the stuff over to the new land for him/her.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see....So what suggestions would you have if a player does not have any runic hammers? For players who do not have any, it would take a lot of time filling BODS until they would have enough runic hammers to start.

Hunt monsters that drop a lot of loot and do treasure chests and save everything out of it that isn't a reg or scroll. You'll need the gems and you can unravel the items to get a nice supply of magic residue and enchanted essence.

Tip: carry around extra unraveling bags and put the loot into them so you don't have to move stuff from bag to bag. Then you can just put the bags of stuff in secures and have your imbuer pick them up and unravel all at once.



How do i start training it??

I kep alot of low level runic kits etc to unravel so i could get the greds to work imbuing yet i keep getting the message abuot not high enough skill!

How am i meant to get resources if i cannot unravel because i need the resources to gain!?!

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Black Sun
First, did you start a new Garg and with what skills?
Do new Gargs start in the new land?
How did you get him out? I heard this was a problem.
Or did you bring a toon over to the new land?

TY for starting this.
I started a new gargoyle (using the enhanced client for extra points) with 50 imbuing, 50 magery and 30(?) eval, and 0 anatomy. Don't quote me as 100% accurate on that, because I haven't really worked up any skills besides his imbuing as of yet.

Yes, Gargoyles start in Ter Mur.
I was lucky enough to snag me a human mage who braved the caves to get in and had her mark me a rune for Ter Mur then gate me out to Luna. I met my gargoyle in luna with my mage off my main account using my laptop and transfered him the run. He in turn marked 13 new runes for my characters, and spent some time gating others in and out and marking runes for people on opening day.

Elphin, yes, I was using runic hammers to create iron daggers. I forgot to add that part in there. If you don't have any runics you can also fight mobs that drop magic loot. For the last 3 weeks I have been hoarding everything swoop drops while I hunt him in a 1700 luck suit. If swoop isn't an option for you, I've heard people using the lower end magic stuff the spawn in old haven drops.

Also, depending on your shard you might be able to find those lower end hammers free or cheap around luna. I know I've picked up a few at the smith that others have discarded because they were too weak for their purposes, also you might find them reasonable on vendors. Although right now they are in short supply as everyone seems to be using them like I am to build up ingredients.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks to everyone for the information. It has helped me to understand things much better.

Any suggestions on which monsters to hunt? I don't belong to a guild so I would be going solo on the hunting. I have an average archer that I would be taking out.

Thanks again. :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Imbuing

You can only unravel very low level items at >50 imbuing skill. I dont know the exact numbers but maybe something like under 100% intensity total.
I made items from DC runic hammers and i could unravel 9 out of 10.


Re: Imbuing

You don´t unravel the runic kits, but the items you make with them. Make easy items like daggers for example.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tip: carry around extra unraveling bags and put the loot into them so you don't have to move stuff from bag to bag. Then you can just put the bags of stuff in secures and have your imbuer pick them up and unravel all at once.
Great tip. I have 3 I alternate between characters for filling. My smith keeps 2. One he fills with daggers for unravelling, and the other he fills with regular GM exceptional daggers for imbuing. The third bag is kept by my gargoyle to unravel any magic pieces I find laying around or loot.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Imbuing

Ok, looks like someone merged the 2 threads just as I posted. That explains the duplicate posts by me.

For a second I thought I was losing my mind.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

at last I can start train.

unravel bags,how do they work?

I have bought bags but they items dont unravel.How to start the unravelling in bag?

The Scandinavian


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To unravel: use the imbuing skill in your skills list (the blue dot) and then target an item and that will pop up a menu that will let you imbue or unravel (or imbue last which is the same item same property same everything, you do it on fails or to get gains from the same item). You can also context menu the bag and unravel the whole lot, like a salvage bag.

You need to be at 50.1 to unravel most items it seems. So you need utter junk to start with for unraveling. I mean a ring with 6% LRC and nothing else on it, that kind of stuff. So go kill some earth eles and get about 10-20 pieces of junk then work your skill up till you get that .1 (shouldn't take long).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
More tips:

When first starting out put 50 of each regular gem in your bag. Also, I went the route of making butcher knives with tinkering (2 ingots each), then I would imbue them once each and unravel. This way I got more ingredients back than I spent so I would spend less time gathering resources. However it cuts into your gains since half your time is spent making butcher knives (or whatever).

So if you hate to farm monsters and you have millions of gems and ingots you can imbue something easy for your level, get gains here and there, and get back more magical residue than you spend.

Also, once you get comfortable with how things work you can figure out what mods you prefer to imbue on things. Hit dispel is good cause it just uses amber, the cheapest of gems.

When you start getting up there you will notice that you are having to use 1 MR and 3 gems (or 2/4 etc) to stay around the 50% mark in imbuing - at this point its time to change tactics and try something else. It's a good time to use your DC runics and make slightly better than GM iron dagger type crap to try to imbue, or if you dont have runics you can try to imbue the monster loot you've been getting.

When you try to imbue regular loot it can be all over the map. Sometimes your chances will be 200 and sometimes they'll be 0. I usually pick a mod to go by (like luck) and try to stick it on the item to see what my chances are. If it's higher than 60ish or lower than 10 I just unravel the item. If its 45-60 I try to imbue as is, if it is lower I see what mods are on the item and try to change one of those mods - that will give you a better success rate and you can get in that 45-60ish sweet area.

Imbuing gains pretty fast, really. You just need resources and patience. Right now I'm at 85+ and the best thing for me is wands - they are perfect for my level and should be for a few more points.

I'll add more stuff later as I think of it.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

started at 50.0 so was at 50.1 rather fast.

aaaah,now I understand.
thank you.

The Scandinavian


UO Forum Moderator
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after burning my hammers up this is what i am doing for ingredients
put imbuing on my tamer i am at 63 atm
i go fight any creature that gives alot of magic (tuskin wolves for me) they give about 4-5 items and 1k gold
i take all items and drop in unravel bag when i have about 50 to 60 items and about 10to 12k gold (takes me about 10to 15 min)
i go to soul forge and unravel gets me about 100 ingredients then i walk over to jeweler and buy the jewels i need with the gold then rinse and repeat till i have about 1k ingredients then i imbu till all gone and just keep going like this...


at what skill level can you unravel items made from val hammers/heartwood kits/barbed kits?

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I'm betting not until you're about about 95 and can unravel relic fragments. The top end pieces produce better ingredients when unraveled and require higher skill.


UO Forum Moderator
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I'm betting not until you're about about 95 and can unravel relic fragments. The top end pieces produce better ingredients when unraveled and require higher skill.
I believe this is true I think its 95.1 will test it out when i reach 95 am almost to 75 I think then I can do this at my house ;-)


Hunt monsters that drop a lot of loot and do treasure chests and save everything out of it that isn't a reg or scroll. You'll need the gems and you can unravel the items to get a nice supply of magic residue and enchanted essence.

Tip: carry around extra unraveling bags and put the loot into them so you don't have to move stuff from bag to bag. Then you can just put the bags of stuff in secures and have your imbuer pick them up and unravel all at once.
This is what I'm doing now...I exhausted the 15 or so DC hammers and 5 shadow hammers I had sitting around pretty quickly, so now I'm having to get ingredients the old fashioned way. It's definitely slower, but it's not horrible -- in a couple of hours last night, I gathered enough junk to produce about 400 Residue and around 100 Essence -- all while hunting in the new lands. If I went back to hunt something like Daemons on Fire Island, I could probably double that rate of resource acquisition, but who wants to farm daemons when there's all that new land?

Just clear out as much space on your combat toon as possible and carry around several unraveling bags, and dump pretty much everything on corpses into it. When one is full, recall back home nice and quick and drop it in a secure for your crafter to pick up later, then recall back to wherever you left off. I'd suggest doing at least a hundred items to be unraveled at a time...that'll produce around 150-200 raw mats, which you can go through in about 20 minutes leveling imbuing.


I'm betting not until you're about about 95 and can unravel relic fragments. The top end pieces produce better ingredients when unraveled and require higher skill.
If it's like beta, barbed kits will produce Essence-level stuff, not Fragment-level stuff about 99% of the time. Val hammers will depend on what you make -- if you do exceptional samurai armor, you can probably get fragments 100% of the time or pretty close to it. Not sure on heartwoods.


More tips:

When first starting out put 50 of each regular gem in your bag. Also, I went the route of making butcher knives with tinkering (2 ingots each), then I would imbue them once each and unravel. This way I got more ingredients back than I spent so I would spend less time gathering resources. However it cuts into your gains since half your time is spent making butcher knives (or whatever).

So if you hate to farm monsters and you have millions of gems and ingots you can imbue something easy for your level, get gains here and there, and get back more magical residue than you spend.
Didn't they fix this? It definitely was this way on Tuesday, but last night, it wouldn't let me unravel imbued items, and I tried several times on different items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I started a new gargoyle (using the enhanced client for extra points) with 50 imbuing, 50 magery and 30(?) eval, and 0 anatomy. Don't quote me as 100% accurate on that, because I haven't really worked up any skills besides his imbuing as of yet.

Yes, Gargoyles start in Ter Mur.
I was lucky enough to snag me a human mage who braved the caves to get in and had her mark me a rune for Ter Mur then gate me out to Luna. I met my gargoyle in luna with my mage off my main account using my laptop and transfered him the run. He in turn marked 13 new runes for my characters, and spent some time gating others in and out and marking runes for people on opening day.

Elphin, yes, I was using runic hammers to create iron daggers. I forgot to add that part in there. If you don't have any runics you can also fight mobs that drop magic loot. For the last 3 weeks I have been hoarding everything swoop drops while I hunt him in a 1700 luck suit. If swoop isn't an option for you, I've heard people using the lower end magic stuff the spawn in old haven drops.

Also, depending on your shard you might be able to find those lower end hammers free or cheap around luna. I know I've picked up a few at the smith that others have discarded because they were too weak for their purposes, also you might find them reasonable on vendors. Although right now they are in short supply as everyone seems to be using them like I am to build up ingredients.
Black Sun,

You mentioned that you hunted swoops for items, etc. Where can I find swoops? I am not sure where to look.


Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
In the twisted Weld.

Visit heartwood city, find the lore keepers and accept the dread horn quest. This will give you access to the area swoop lives in. Once you have the quest go to Ilsh, spirituality gate, leave the gate and head west along the mountain range. You will come to a cave covered in vines. Go in that cave, and follow the wall to the north. You will come to a circle of mushrooms with a blue sparkle in the middle. That is the teleporter to twisted weld. Step into it and come out in the weld, do not bring a no/negative karma character in there. It's full of pixies and they will kill you quick. follow the path through the trees and you will find swoop in a small area to the east, just before you get to the desert.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

Thanks for the information. I will be sure to test this out once I get my armor/weapons up to where they need to be. :)



Black Sun I think we are forgetting that we are once again talking with people
that have "never" played in our much loved world :thumbup:

My question to you is, you said you would imbue the same dagger over and over,
was you imbueing it with the same resources and same thing, like 1-2 luck?
It will let you keep adding 1-2 luck even if it has ready been imbued once, twice, three times a Lady :danceb:?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Black Sun I think we are forgetting that we are once again talking with people
that have "never" played in our much loved world :thumbup:

My question to you is, you said you would imbue the same dagger over and over,
was you imbueing it with the same resources and same thing, like 1-2 luck?
It will let you keep adding 1-2 luck even if it has ready been imbued once, twice, three times a Lady :danceb:?
It doesn't add luck, it replaces luck, which is why the chance to imbue doesn't change. Each time you try to imbue an item with 1 luck on a sucess you will end up with an item with 1 luck. Thats why you can see if you can imbue an item with a property that it already has in order to make it easier to imbue (thus raising your success chance).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
More tips:

When first starting out put 50 of each regular gem in your bag. Also, I went the route of making butcher knives with tinkering (2 ingots each), then I would imbue them once each and unravel. This way I got more ingredients back than I spent so I would spend less time gathering resources. However it cuts into your gains since half your time is spent making butcher knives (or whatever).

So if you hate to farm monsters and you have millions of gems and ingots you can imbue something easy for your level, get gains here and there, and get back more magical residue than you spend.
Didn't they fix this? It definitely was this way on Tuesday, but last night, it wouldn't let me unravel imbued items, and I tried several times on different items.
Yah, you may have to select "unravel ALL magical artifacts". If your imbue skill is under 95.1 or 501. then you are trying to unravel something that will give relics or essences, respectively.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And to add, if you need more Magical Residue and you have lots of oak wood you can craft bokutos (for carps) or bows (for fletchers) out of it and then select the bottom bag choice (unravel all magical...) and get residue this way. You can only unravel the exceptional ones. Anyways, use talismans to bump up your chances of making exceptional if you do this.

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
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I am wondering if anyone has tried using the soldier armor some of us collected from the invasions? Can they be used for training at all? I dont recall that the armor had any magical properties if that is required to unravel/imbue.



1.When crafting stuff to imbue/unravel place the raw materials in your unravel bag. When you craft the item it will automatically appear in that bag.
2.Have all your hunters carry unravel bags to drop their loot in.
3.(optional one) Imbue an item once and then unravel to reclaim the magical ingredient used. At some point you will even get back more than what went in.
4.(other option) Imbue an item up to 10 times for faster gains at the expense of losing 9 chances to get magical ingredients back.
5. At higher levels imbue items twice. The first imbued property should be done at an intensity giving you 70% or greater chance of succeeding and uses the most expensive of the ingredients you plan to use. The second property should use the less valued ingredients and be in the 50-60% range. If you use the tip #4 approach then the second property will be applied 9 times.
6. Crafting items of exceptional quality which also have additional special properties will give you stuff to unravel.
7. Crafting with runics gives you stuff to unravel.