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imbuing question



first, does napa, have any, active imbuers?, mine is abit complicated, I want aweapon imbued for training, abokuto I would like to get the elemental slayer property my alchemist makes the vials of vitirol, I chose not to add agargoyle to my humans, having 2 5 yr accounts saw no reason to loose my etheral mounts:gee:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
greetings :) i might be able to help you out with that. since you have the vitirol the issue is going to be the required relic fragments. i think its 4 and they are pretty expensive. i only have 3 on hand unfortunately :( do you already have a bokuto and if so what properties does it have? is it exceptional?


yes the bokuto is exceptional, but found along sword with sc only, if that would help any


Kal if Tirrag does not get you covered I can. I really only play on the weekend so it might have to wait until then

Just PM what you want and I will get it covered. Depending on how much ingredients I need to use myself would determine the charge.

If you provide the ingredients then I will just imbue it.


many thanks have apm out to tirrag atm, so will kind of await my in game neighbor, hehe his home is up along the sepentspine mts by my keep. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i was off by 1 fragment on the overall cost of the imbue. the elemental super slayer takes 5 fragments instead of 4. i do now have the fragments to complete this order. see PM for details :)