Can someone explain to me why i cant imbue this weapon with more than 4 properties? 38 lower attack, sc no pen and 13dci and 40 di. i added the dci and hla with imbuing.
I also got a war fork off an ogre lord with spell channel no penalty with 13 dci and 46 di and it wont let me imbue it. doesnt this weapon only have 4 out of 5 properties?
Does anyone know what determines the weight of something? as in 500/500?
I also got a war fork off an ogre lord with spell channel no penalty with 13 dci and 46 di and it wont let me imbue it. doesnt this weapon only have 4 out of 5 properties?
Does anyone know what determines the weight of something? as in 500/500?