I don't want to do a new property on the same item -- I want to do the same property on a new item.
My reasoning: when skilling up, you select a property that's reasonably inexpensive that's in the sweet spot for gains, then you imbue that property over and over again on the same item. Currently, you can only do this a limited number of times (10?) before you can't gain off that item anymore. Then, in order to gain more, you have to move on to a new item. But chances are, you still want to put the same property at the same intensity that you were working on on that new item -- you're probably still in the "butter zone" for skill gain from that property. The way the menu is right now, every time you switch items, you have to then reselect the mod, then click the little arrows to get the mod back to where it was, then select the new item. If you could just click a "same mod, new item" button, then click the item, that'd reduce the number of clicks by anywhere from 1 to 20, depending on the mod. More, I guess, if you're training on Luck.
edit: Or alternately just let us keep re-imbuing the same item indefinitely for gains. I'd be totally fine with that too.